Qui-Gon Joe Feb 21, 2017
SUPER excited to see this is happening - Yooka Laylee is getting a purchasable soundtrack release on physical CD and on vinyl (I was really worried the soundtrack would ONLY be available to people who had the money to support the upper tiers of the kickstarter). The ost is the reunion of Rare composers Grant Kirkhope (Banjo Kazooie), Steve Burke (Kameo), and David Wise (DKC), and the samples so far sound reeeeeally good. Love that retro-sounding track of Burke's in the set of four samples on the website (linking below).
https://www.lacedrecords.co/collections … -laylee-cd
VGMDB also lists a Varese Sarabande CD release, which I'm not sure is the same as this one? Regardless, I am so pumped to get to play this game and hear more classic Rare-sounding music after all this time!!