I have no real comment about the moderation. I didn't take any great offense to what jodo said but I also don't think it was that bad that it required moderation. If Adam wants to moderate so things don't veer off topic I'm fine with it. Also if jodo thinks that of me either based on that comment, or general post history, it is what it is. I don't hate him and at the end of the day his posts aren't generally problematic like others have been. They are a bit weird, though 
I think this is getting off topic but enthusiasm still exists in this hobby. You're conflating the lack of content (communities, discussions, reviews) with a lack of enthusiasm and I think that's somewhat misplaced. Lack of content is because music discovery has changed dramatically in the last 20-30 years. We don't really need reviews or discussions about albums because if we want an opinion on something, we can just go out and find said thing on YouTube of any other of a variety of sites and just form one ourselves. There's no magic in discovery anymore. You don't need a community to discover.
The community these days is in depth, research, and passion. Sites like VGMDB, RPGFan, SEMO, etc are all born from passion and as a result, are generally deep.
I don't go to VGMDB for opinions or reviews. The rating system is worthless. I get annoyed when people try to start discussion about the entry and try to talk about it because VGMDB is data driven. It's a database. I want data, information, research, etc. not opinion. The only way I use VGMDB for discovery is by looking at composers or series and learning about them that way. Of course, this is just my opinion.
I don't know what people really want. Where do you think you can go to get cursory, high level discussion about albums these days? A place like that doesn't exist. Maybe YouTube comments. There's just no value in it anymore when you can easily just find and form your own opinion in less time than it takes to discuss it.
I don't think it's time to put this to rest. It's not as active as it used to be and that's fine. Part of the responsibility lies with us. If we want more discussion, the burden on us is to discuss. I know I don't start discussions all that much mostly because I'm just happy to engage with others who do rather than start the discussion myself. If I have something I think is noteworthy, I will post. If I have mutual interest in a topic, I'll reply. I don't know that I'll change the way I participate because it'd run the risk of just sounding like I'm posting for the sake of posting, but it's something people may want to think about for themselves.