vert1 Apr 4, 2017 (edited Mar 18, 2020)
Nice comparison video. Skip ahead to the two minute mark to skip over the introduction. Anyone play any of these games? The Genesis one is on my wantlist.
Nice comparison video. Skip ahead to the two minute mark to skip over the introduction. Anyone play any of these games? The Genesis one is on my wantlist.
Back in the old days when emulation was in its infancy and PAL land had an RPG drought, Shadowrun for SNES was a decent blind rent (back when renting games was a thing). It had an interesting futuristic dystopian setting with a mix of magic and mysticism/magic and populated by various races. The darkish/somber music was also decent with nice guitars and bass sounds. I could do without the "swish swish" battle theme though. Also, probably one of the few games of note that came from Australia. I have no experience with the Sega version of Shadowrun.
Also, the Japanese version of the game is unique in that it is basically dual language - the English text boxes were left completely untouched and Japanese subtitles would simply appear in accordance with the English. Perfect language practice if you're learning the language (whichever language that is).
Looks like there is a Shadowrun guitar tab (Morgue Theme) so I'll be practicing that now.
Extremely well done transition to video game form. The SNES one is an unsung classic. It's no Chronological Trigger, but it's still really atmospheric and evocative.