vert1 Apr 19, 2017 (edited Apr 23, 2017)
This is a thread to post cool footage or details on cancelled games.
Two games from NCsoft [?]:
TSF Forefront Video footage
Project Hon
This is a thread to post cool footage or details on cancelled games.
Two games from NCsoft [?]:
TSF Forefront Video footage
Project Hon
What about games that were canceled but were resurrected?
I mean if you want to get technical Mega Man X3 was canceled before the project was revived. I have the Nintendo Power clipping on it.
Personally, I'm kind of glad the project was saved. If X3 never came to be than Mega Man X4 wouldn't be the game it is. X3 is good but I don't think it's worth the dough it goes for now. Thank you, you blasted Cx4 chips!
Cancelled only please.
Cancelled only please.
Actually, yeah, I guess canceled games would have the more interesting stories. I mean since it actually came out we know a lot about X3.
Okay, I'll name the big one for me: Mega Man Legends 3.
I love the Legends series. I know it gets a load of crap and I understand why, but at the same time the people who bash it don't look at all the series did right. It's like playing a Saturday morning cartoon!
The only negative I see in those games are the controls. They're manageable but very clumsy, even for the time and I can see why people don't want to take the time learning how to "deal" with them. But come on! That world! Those characters and villains! They're exquisite! The Bonnes are probably the best "villains" in the entire Mega Man universe.
I was super hyped for MML3 and would have even bought a 3DS earlier than I eventually did just for the game. I mean, who didn't want to see Legend 2's cliffhanger ending resolved?
However, things somewhat went sideways when they revealed you'd also be playing as a new character, Barret, as well. Uh, I just want to play as Mega Man Voulnutt please.
That said, I don't know. I don't completely blame Capcom for the cancellation. The game was announced at the beginning of the 3DS's life cycle when the system was somewhat floundering. I think Capcom would have been more hesitant to pull the plug if the hardware had more of an install base at that point.
As much as I wanted it to happen I think MML3 was really a pipe dream. You could get away with making those kind of games back in the PS1 era, these days games (I've been told) kind of have to make money or something.
Okay, I'll name the big one for me: Mega Man Legends 3.
I love the Legends series. I know it gets a load of crap and I understand why, but at the same time the people who bash it don't look at all the series did right. It's like playing a Saturday morning cartoon!
The only negative I see in those games are the controls. They're manageable but very clumsy, even for the time and I can see why people don't want to take the time learning how to "deal" with them. But come on! That world! Those characters and villains! They're exquisite! The Bonnes are probably the best "villains" in the entire Mega Man universe.
I was super hyped for MML3 and would have even bought a 3DS earlier than I eventually did just for the game. I mean, who didn't want to see Legend 2's cliffhanger ending resolved?
However, things somewhat went sideways when they revealed you'd also be playing as a new character, Barret, as well. Uh, I just want to play as Mega Man Voulnutt please.
That said, I don't know. I don't completely blame Capcom for the cancellation. The game was announced at the beginning of the 3DS's life cycle when the system was somewhat floundering. I think Capcom would have been more hesitant to pull the plug if the hardware had more of an install base at that point.
As much as I wanted it to happen I think MML3 was really a pipe dream. You could get away with making those kind of games back in the PS1 era, these days games (I've been told) kind of have to make money or something.
This is the gods honest truth, so help me lord.
How about fallout: Van Buren? It looked like it would've been really interesting.
Starcraft: Ghost anyone?
Not sure how I feel about the gameplay footage, but I feel I have to mention "Maverick Hunter", the Mega Man FPS the creators of the Metroid Prime series were working on at some point:
http://www.polygon.com/2013/4/9/4179628 … ick-hunter
Could've been great!