Ashley Winchester May 9, 2017
This is kind of a weird topic, not sure if it'll have any traction, but I though I'd give it a go.
I know it's considered a chick channel, but does anyone else watch "Snapped" on oxygen? I usually end up watching the marathons they have on Saturday since I tend to have that day off.
I don't think my dad particularly likes the show as he has a derogatory term he calls shows like this. He calls it "murder porn," which I can buy because it's not like this is insightful television. However, I'm kind of torn on that name though because I'm afraid of what one would find if they typed that into a search engine online.
However, I'm kind of getting annoyed with the Oxygen network. I'm guessing Snapped has been very successful so what's a network to do? Well, clone the show fifty million times! I think they have like five shows now: Snapped: Killer Couples, It Takes a Killer, I Killed Your Mom Last Night, etc. and well, these shows are nowhere near as good IMO.
Now when Oxygen runs one of their marathons they try and cram these other shows in to attempt to draw you in but all it does is drive me away. I honestly don't like the production and format of the other shows and just want plain old Snapped.
Anyway, dumb problem, but I was wondering if anyone else liked the show or could think of any other instance that's similar where a company took a successful idea and hit it with the sequel shovel. And no, don't say Capcom and Mega Man because I'm aware of that already