Adam Corn Jun 20, 2017
Any thoughts on this year's E3? Of the big three console platforms, my guess would be that between Mario and Metroid Nintendo "won" the show, at least for someone who is a bit of a Nintendo fan (as neither they nor third parties rarely announce much that aims outside Nintendo's well-established target market anymore). I really hope the 3DS Samus Returns sees a release on Switch as well. I suppose Fire Emblem Warriors would be a pretty big title as well but the badly dubbed uber-cliched anime storytelling just kills it for me.
I get the impression that Sony's presentation underwhelmed, them not announcing much that wasn't already expected, and sticking largely to their established series. And I'll leave the Microsoft analysis to everyone else as I still can't feign interest in the Xbox platform. It will be very interesting to see whose approach pays off for their "pro" consoles though - Sony being first out the gate and with the pricing advantage, or Microsoft with the clear advantage in specs.
As for third-party titles, I can't claim to have seen everything but Anthem certainly seems to be the visual stunner of the show (though it remains to be seen whether it pulls a Watch Dogs in having far less visual splendor in reality). And it's much too early to judge from the cinematic trailer alone but if nothing else Beyond Good and Evil 2 looks to be the most Fifth Element'esque game ever created.