Qui-Gon Joe Mar 2, 2018
Have been super busy lately and haven't had much time to log in, but it seems there's no thread here on a couple new Nintendo OSTs that have recently been announced. The first is Xenoblade 2, which is getting a 5 disc regular edition, a 6 disc special edition (6th disc has piano arrangements and some bonus stuff), and a suuuuper limited (already sold out on Amazon Japan) version that is just the whole soundtrack on a fancy USB stick that looks like Pyra/Homura's core crystal. ...which looks like a Zohar, because Takahashi loves that shape. In any case, I loved the soundtrack to this game, so I jumped right on the 6 disc version and am very much looking forward to it! The game itself was... problematic in some ways and not as good as the first one in my opinion, but I still liked it a lot and the music was lovely.
SUPER SPECIAL WEIRD EDITION: https://vgmdb.net/album/75750
Special CD edition: https://vgmdb.net/album/75751
Plebeian edition: https://vgmdb.net/album/75752