Adam Corn Mar 7, 2018 (edited Feb 7, 2020)
With a wealth of video game music now on streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music it can be hard to keep track of everything that's out there. That's why I've been compiling all the great game music I can find on Spotify in several "Game Music Best" playlists.
Game Music Orchestral & Instrumental Best - The best orchestral and acoustic instrumental VGM tracks, from Western-produced arranged albums (Symphonic Fantasies & Final Symphony, Distant Worlds) and OSTs (God of War, Dragon Age, Journey, Uncharted) to Japanese releases like the Ys arranged albums and Final Fantasy Brass de Bravo.
Game Music Synth & Chiptune Best - The best 8-bit, 16-bit, and classic VGM-inspired modern synth game music, from Castlevania, Street Fighter, Ys, and Nights to Shovel Knight and Astro Bot. Much more to come now that Japanese publishers like Square Enix, Capcom, Sega, Falcom, SNK, and Konami are becoming increasingly active.
Game Music Electronic Best - Modern electronic VGM like Beat Saber, Shatter, and Street Fighter IV, as well as some modern meets retro selections like Celeste.
Game Music Jazz, Funk, and Fusion Best - Includes Cuphead and the best jazz and fusion selections from OSTs like Nights: Journey of Dreams. Lots of high-quality fan arrangement here as well.
Game Music Rock Best - Japanese power rock and hard rock from Castlevania, Ys, and some Mega Man arranged albums, with several Western OST tracks and fan arrangements as well.
Final Fantasy Official OSTs & Arranged Albums - Since there's no way on Spotify to filter the recently released library of official Final Fantasy OSTs (and a few official arranged albums) from the many fan-arranged albums of varying quality, this playlist lists one track from each official album release for easy access. For a selection of favorite tracks from the mainline OSTs check the Final Fantasy OST Best playlist.
Game Music 2019 - Every VGM release from 2019 I find gets its first track added here. There's also a Game Music 2018 playlist.
You can access these and other playlists at Soundtrack Central's Spotify account. If everyone could post here with any noteworthy releases I've missed I'll do my best to update the playlists accordingly. The focus here has been on Spotify as it's what I use, but feel free to chime in on how Apple Music or other streaming music services fare as well.