Adam Corn Feb 23, 2019 (edited Oct 10, 2019)
John Powell's score for the third (and purportedly final) How to Train Your Dragon film is the most wowed I've been by a film score in some time. Everything he did well in the first score and so much better in the second he continues here. I recall the second score having a more epic tone overall but those epic moments if fewer are just as great here, with the orchestral-choral moments in particular sounding just amazing. More importantly this score spans a complete range of other tones pretty much perfectly, from the suspenseful then festive opening to several indelibly charming cues for the new love interest (no spoilers) to some truly poignant moments. And even after three films I love the main theme every single time Powell uses it. It's a fantastic soundtrack from start to finish.
I very much enjoyed the film itself as well. The first two movies I thought were just a little over-hyped, but I'd gladly sit through the entirety of The Hidden World for that gorgeous musical score and the equally gorgeous art alone. Thankfully it does just fine with dialog intact, as along with its older main character the storytelling feels less juvenile and thus a bit more authentic as well. It's the best of the trilogy on all counts.