Rosenkreutz Jul 17, 2020
Hey there, I'm new to this forum, but I was interested to hear what opinions people had when it came to choosing between original soundtracks and their remastered counterparts. Currently the ones I'm particularly interested in hearing about are Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Vagrant Story & Valkyrie Profile, but feel free to talk about others you're strongly opinionated about as well if you'd like.
When it comes to the Final Fantasy IV-VI remasters the majority of posts I've read say that they're almost identical to the Original Sound Versions, albeit slightly louder. The Final Fantasy IV Remaster seems to have a little more going for it than the other two since unlike the OSV it has loops as well as a few bonus jingles. However, I did read an old comment on this forum which claimed that "Battle 1" sounded less "bright" to them on this version and that they speculated that there had been a noise reduction reduction filter applied. Alternatively, a review on RPGFan claimed that "the sound is as crystal clear as my ears can hear and lacks any George Lucas-esque tampering with the mix or sounds."
I've seen quite a lot of discourse over Vagrant Story in regards to which version sounds better, but I believe I've seen more people favoring the original release, mainly due to the remastered version removing a lot of the reverb which results in it sounding a lot more dry despite making the individual instruments more clear. Apparently the remaster is louder due to dynamic compression which tends to be a bad move in most cases.
Valkyrie Profile is the one which I'm the most uncertain about as I've been unable to find much discussion regarding it. The "Lenneth" (PSP) original and arrange soundtrack are apparently remasters of the originals, but I have no idea how they match up to said original releases. I recall reading that disc 2 of the original soundtrack had some problems with track distortion, but I have no idea if that true and if so then I have no idea if it was fixed on the Lenneth release or not.