Adam Corn Aug 28, 2020
Here's a roundup of the new game music OSTs and arranged albums that have been posted here for the year so far. Any releases worth sharing that haven't come up yet?
- Final Fantasy VII Remake OST
- Kingdom Hearts III, II.8, Unchained X & Union X [Cross]
- Seiken Densetsu 3 Trials of Mana remake OST
- Space Haven OST
- Symphonic Tale: An Unforgettable Journey (Music from Grandia)
- Twelve Doors - Tribute To Noriyuki Iwadare (arrangements of Grandia, Lunar, Langrisser, more)
- Skies of Arcadia Eternal soundtrack (OST re-release + piano arrangements)
- Celeste OST CD release
- Grandia OST re-release