Dragon God Oct 23, 2020
Hello fellow STC members,
Some of you may remember me... That guy that used to be obsessed with anything Squaresoft/Taito/SuperSweep/etc...
I no longer have enormous collections. You know, just a little is best.
Have I completely forsaken my past history with VGM ? Not entirely... I'm still holding onto my FF6 Osv, so that counts for something, right ?
Am I still keeping tarantulas ? You bet ! Just a handful. Nothing special. Just my original Mexican Fireleg and Mexican Redknee. Other than those two, there's also a Chilean Rose and a Honduran Curlyhair. Like I said, nothing special. Typical, boring (Except at feeding time ) spiders.
What about other music ? There was a time where I wouldn't have considered anything out of VGM. (How silly of me, right ?) Aside my deep respect for Nobuo Uematsu with FF6, there's another musical deity which I've come to appreciate in recent years.
I'm sure that GoldfishX and Zane will be shocked. Oh, I should have hooked onto his works DECADES ago.
The late, great Ronnie James Dio.
I've listened to the majority of his discography. There's at least 4 bands that he was really active. ELF, Rainbow, Black Sabbath and Dio. The latter 2 are the ones I've latched on to hardest. Classic albums such as Heaven & Hell, Mob Rules, Dehumanizer, Holy Diver, The Last In Line... and The Devil You Know as Dio's "Swan Song". Had I gotten into his music during my teenage years, I would have made every single effort to at least see ONE of his live performances.
All I can base myself is what I see on DVD concerts such as Holy Diver Live or Heaven & Hell - Radio City Music Hall 2007 Live. What energetic performances that man gave in his lifetime !
Concerning movies... I'll admit I'm a total spider geek. Yep. I have a DVD of the original Tarantula! (1955) film, back when films were still in black and white. Fast forward 20 years, we get the hidden gem titled Kiss of the Tarantula (Starring Suzanne Ling in her only film role). Two... "classics ?" from 1977, Kingdom of the Spiders (starring William Shatner) and the made-for-TV movie Tarantulas : The Deadly Cargo.
And in summer of 1990... We get one of 3 catalysts that brought me into keeping tarantulas as pets : Arachnophobia. That giant spider crawling up to a terrified Jeff Daniels always put my imagination on fire. I've learnt that it was a robotic spider... But it resembled a Theraphosa. Those are best known under the generic name "Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula".
Will I acquire one of these giants ? Only time will truly tell.
Just felt like posting after so long. Was this awkward