GoldfishX Mar 20, 2022 (edited Mar 20, 2022)
I guess before the forums get killed down, might as well try to create a snapshot of where the regulars are in terms of gaming in early 2022.
I've long been the grouchy old man of the forums about the direction of gaming, but I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised about the past 5 years or so. I'm hearing less and less about 2D games being "part of the past" and seeing more about how they coexist with the newer genres and AAA titles. Lots of remakes, tributes, re-releases (of varying quality, but plenty falling into the good/acceptable camp). We even saw this with the large amount of retro VGM releases the past 5 years...Almost too much to keep track of. If you would have told me in 2022, they would have almost completely revived the Wonder Boy/Monster World franchise, I would have laughed. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a freaking BEAUTIFUL game (Asha remake was less-so, but still fun)
System-wise, I have a PS4 Pro and a Switch as my daily drivers (and an Analogue NT Mini and Super NT for easy HDMI options), but I'm in the process of building my first "real" gaming PC and coming to grips with just how many options it gives me (and basically waving the white flag on physical releases and surrendering to the power of Steam sales). The Pro has been solid, but the idea of 30fps in games has been a sacrifice for the past few console generations and I just can't deal with it anymore. Firing up the PC release of Forza 4 for the first time and cranking it to over 100fps in 1440p was eye-opening. So even though the gameplay of a lot of modern games is hit or miss to me, at least I can bump up the experience with the graphics and framerates. Graphics card-wise, I'm running a GTX 1660 Super and just waiting for something that can command 4K a bit better than the TOTL unobtanium cards right now (as well as better 4K monitors than the current crop...1440p monitors are really starting to mature and offer a lot of value at the moment)
I think Sony is in big trouble right now. The Xbox and PC game passes are game changers (basically rent all the games you want in the library in full quality for $10 or $15 per month). This is great for those of us that just want to try a bunch of stuff and likely not put more than an hour or so into them. I have also yet to see a PS5 in a store yet, but I have seen plenty of Series S's in stock and the Series X's are becoming more common (Best Buy near me had a full stack of them on display last week).
I'm holding off on picking up a MiSTer board until some things get settled down, but it's really an endgame for a lot of retro options, especially arcade releases. I've never liked the MAME frontends and going full FPGA creates that peace of mind that I'm getting as close to original hardware as possible. The NT Mini and its collection of cores is enough for my needs right now. I have managed to pick up a few PVM's and the FPGA analog output (with the ability to dual output to a capture card via HDMI) is a big deal. Having access to the CPS1, CPS2 and Neo Geo libraries (among many others) via FPGA on a PVM is beyond endgame.