Adam Corn Jan 21, 2023
Can't let 2022 fade away without hearing about everyone's favorite game soundtracks. OST or arranged, official or fan release - whatever impressed you from the year please share!
Can't let 2022 fade away without hearing about everyone's favorite game soundtracks. OST or arranged, official or fan release - whatever impressed you from the year please share!
I haven't been listening to alot of OSTs from the last few years but for me the winner of 2022 is Babylon's Fall, although I'm sure there's other impressive ones from last year as well.
1. Harvestella
I haven't played Harvestella, but I have listened through the soundtrack twice.
2. Triangle Strategy
I beat Triangle Strategy twice, and some of the music is not that interesting outside of the game. But with over 130 hours experience in the game, the music is much more impactful.
3. Xenoblade Chronicles 3
I put 160 hours into XC3 and experienced very little of the game, rushing through to see the ending. I would rate the XC games as minimum 500 hour games if you want to see it all. The official soundtrack is not out, and I have been listening to a rip.
4. Square Enix Jazz -Chrono Trigger-
Like the previous Square Enix Jazz albums, I can listen to this on repeat.
5. Alice Gear Aegis OST Vol. 5
You have to pick through this one to get the good stuff, as with the previous releases.
6. Alice Gear Aegis ~Concerto of Simulatrix~
I'm not sure how this ties to the other Alice Gear games, but the music is about the same.
7. Mega Drive Mini 2 -Celebration Album-
Just like the previous releases, this is essential.
8. IA Super Best (contains some music from the Vita game)
This is vocaloid music, similar to what is heard in Project Diva. IA is a vocaloid with a voice that sounds very close to an actual human.
9. AI: The Somnium Files -nirvanA Initiative- (no relation to the IA title above)
This is here because I completed the game; otherwise not that interesting. (The game is absurdly good.)
10. Babylon's Fall
There isn't much melody in Babylon's Fall, but it does have good production value. In terms of ambient music, this is definitely a few steps above Doom 64. It takes a certain kind of mood to be able to listen to this.
2022 was the first time in 29 years that i didn't buy any cds (or any other media form including downloads). not even the new Crashdïet album.
i know its several years old,, but youtube recently threw the Stardew Valley ost randomly in my face, ,and i was totally blown away.
2022 was the first time in 29 years that i didn't buy any cds (or any other media form including downloads). not even the new Crashdïet album.
I'm doing as much as I can to avoid buying any physical games or music, due to space. Buying physical games makes no sense, since it takes them months or years to roll out all the updates, patches, and DLC.
I'm doing as much as I can to avoid buying any physical games or music, due to space. Buying physical games makes no sense, since it takes them months or years to roll out all the updates, patches, and DLC.
I prefer physical media, but I'm reading this and thinking about the CD binders I've bought recently, due to not having room for PS4 and Switch cases out on the road (thankfully those Switch carry cases seem designed for this type of thing!)
I wish I had more to contribute to this thread, but it seems like everything I've picked up for a listen has been either REALLY old or just isn't a 2022 release. I do want to sit down with Harvestella and the Live-A-Live Remake at some point and Shredder's Revenge is pretty sweet.
1. Xenoblade Chronicles 3
This game's story grabbed me and wouldn't let go, but the music really took me on an emotional journey. Seriously, "Words that Never Reached You" is absolutely heartbreaking.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
I never played any of the Kirby games before this one, but what an introduction. Some great bangers here like "Through the Tunnel" and "In the Mall" had my head bopping the whole time. Loved it!
Persona 5 Royal
I finally played this game this year, and I have to say it lives up to the hype I've heard for years. Although I do admit that once I hit the 100 hour mark, some of the music started to wear on me.
3. Xenoblade Chronicles 3
I put 160 hours into XC3 and experienced very little of the game, rushing through to see the ending. I would rate the XC games as minimum 500 hour games if you want to see it all. The official soundtrack is not out, and I have been listening to a rip.
That will change at the end of this July. The official soundtrack will be released by then.
That will change at the end of this July. The official soundtrack will be released by then.
I just got a notice from Procyon Studios that my Trinity Box is shipping soon. Also, my rankings have changed since I made the list. Xenoblade 3 is definitely #1 now, easily surpassing Harvestella and Triangle Strategy. That's what happens when you sink an additional 300 hours into the game.
Jon Turner wrote:That will change at the end of this July. The official soundtrack will be released by then.
I just got a notice from Procyon Studios that my Trinity Box is shipping soon. Also, my rankings have changed since I made the list. Xenoblade 3 is definitely #1 now, easily surpassing Harvestella and Triangle Strategy. That's what happens when you sink an additional 300 hours into the game.
I finally got the OST this week and I have to genuinely agree. It is indeed a magnificent album. The folks behind the XBC games really know how to make fantastic soundtracks. XBC2's music was absolutely terrific, and that this one continues in the same quality is gratifying.