Adam Corn Feb 29, 2024
These pages contain the archives of the game music discussion forums which ran from 2006 to 2023. In them you'll find over 1,000 different topics about game music, containing more than 20,000 posts contributed by over 400 different people.
The topics here largely discuss Japanese original game soundtracks and arranged game soundtracks from around the 1990s and early 2000s, many of which are still not widely available for streaming. It's a treasure trove of information on great game music ranging from such series as Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda to Castlevania, Mega Man, and more obscure (but often no less interesting) series soundtracks like Lufia and Thunder Force.
In additional to browsing the forum pages you can use the artists and series menus in the main site menu to browse discussion topics by those categories.
To any forum members visiting here after a long absence, have a look at the final topic in the Open Topic forum for details on how to stay in touch with myself or other members of the community.