Jodo Kast Jul 8, 2006
About a week ago, I decided to make a list of every movie I've ever seen. It has been harder than I anticipated.
About a week ago, I decided to make a list of every movie I've ever seen. It has been harder than I anticipated.
About a week ago, I decided to make a list of every movie I've ever seen. It has been harder than I anticipated.
Quite an undertaking! I couldn't help but notice you're missing some amazing classics such as Citizen Kane and Casablanca. I highly recommend those films (as well as many others). There's a reason they're considered classics Also, your list begs the questions:
a)What are your favorite films?
b)Which do you think are the best?
c)Which are the worst?
a)What are your favorite films?
b)Which do you think are the best?
c)Which are the worst?
Alien is my favorite film. I have other "favorites" and the list is quite lengthy.
Best? As with favorites, many are "best".
As for worst films, I was annoyed with Van Helsing. I wanted to walk out of the theater, it was so bad. I have walked out on movies before, and, of course, they aren't on my list. I have stopped watching rented movies sometimes, too.
There are truly "bad" films out there, such as "Frogs". But it's not ridiculous. There is a difference. I guess if a film annoys me, then it's bad. If special effects suck, I don't give a shit. If the story is cool and stuff happens I've never seen before, then I'll keep watching. Another film that annoyed me was Advent Children; I did not want to finish watching it.
I'm aware there are a lot of classics I haven't seen. But the same goes for you and everyone else. There's no way we can all keep up.
... and I thought I was a compulsive lister!
I wouldn't know where to start with something like that. I went through a full-on film bore phase from my mid teens to early 20s, and I couldn't begin to imagine the number of films I watched. Everything from ancient Russian propaganda films to DTV horror garbage. Splendid way to waste a few years though.
... and I thought I was a compulsive lister!
I wouldn't know where to start with something like that. I went through a full-on film bore phase from my mid teens to early 20s, and I couldn't begin to imagine the number of films I watched. Everything from ancient Russian propaganda films to DTV horror garbage. Splendid way to waste a few years though.
It just takes some careful planning and dedication. This past week, I carried a little slip of paper around and jotted down a movie if I remembered it. If not, I would have surely forgotten it and had to wait until I remembered it again. Also, I talked to people about movies and got my memory jogged rather thoroughly. IMDB helped the most, since one can look at everything an actor or director has been involved with.
It wouldn't surprise me if there are at least 20-50 movies I still haven't remembered yet. This may take a few more months, in actuality. There might even be some bastard that won't surface for another year; human memory has its own agenda.
... and I thought I was a compulsive lister!
Hahaha! I probably wouldn't call myself a compulsive lister, but I would call myself a compulsive webpage-creator. Which often translates into lists of things anyway. ^_~
I see neither Adaptation nor Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Why not let some Kaufman into your life?
I see neither Adaptation nor Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Why not let some Kaufman into your life?
I've heard about that Eternal Sunshine movie; it's supposed to be good. The list of movies I need to see is probably as long as the list of movies I have seen.
I just wanted to say that this is an amazing project, and everyone age 18+ should try it.
I've created a list of every RPG (loosely defined, includes Zelda titles) I've ever beaten. It's a good 75 games by now.
I just wanted to say that this is an amazing project, and everyone age 18+ should try it.
I've created a list of every RPG (loosely defined, includes Zelda titles) I've ever beaten. It's a good 75 games by now.
Thanks, dude. I had a list of every video game I've ever beaten, but I'm not sure where it is. Also, beating a video game isn't the same as watching a movie, since movies don't have difficulty settings. The question I would ask is, "How should beating a video game be defined?" Do all difficulty settings have to be completed? All side quests completed? Or is simply getting the end credits sufficient? For example, it is possible to get the end credits in Contra III a bit early by selecting the easy setting. The rest of the levels are added on normal and an extra boss is added on difficult. Although I have seen the end credits for Contra III many times, I have never beaten the extra boss on hard. So have I ever beaten Contra III?