A much more consistent collection of small-scale acoustic Final Fantasy arrangements than its predecessor.
Editor's review by Adam Corn (2020-04-04)
This Final Fantasy arranged album produced by Arnie Roth of Distant Worlds fame uses a smaller-scale instrumental ensemble for generally more low-key, "intimate" arrangements. The first volume from five years prior was a widely hit or miss affair - half the album I found quite pretty and true to the "intimate" moniker, whereas the other half suffered from poor production values and often ventured into action-oriented themes beyond its scope. This second volume is a much more consistent effort, both in production values and in overall tone, with even the more upbeat cues staying true to the album's moniker. No single track matches Volume I's gorgeous FFI "Town" and FFXII "Eruyt Village", but short but sweet classics like FFV "Home, Sweet Home" and FFIX "A Place to Call Home", and the eight-minute FFXII medley "Ivalice Landscapes", should be plenty to make FF fans happy.