Dais Sep 13, 2006 (edited Sep 13, 2006)
I apologize if this topic is kind of disjointed...it's rather late right now as I write this, and my communication skills have been detiorating recently, too....anyway...
See, there's this song, right? This awesome, epic tune that I've heard in trailers for Ys VI PS2. I always figured it was one of the songs added for the PS2 release's extra stuff (that whole "the music is being replaced! wait, no it's not!" thing aside). But now, going through both the recordings from Crevia's Trials or whatever....I hear <i>parts</i> of the song, but not the whole thing.
The thing is, though.....I, uh, haven't played the game. Any version. I've certainly enjoyed the music (both the original soundtrack and the new PS2 additions), but I wouldn't have the slightest clue if it came from one of the new cinematics or something like. So I'm kind of relying on you nice people who have probably listened to the music inside and out a hundred times and played the game to death in all it's versions (well, maybe not the PSP port).
Unfortunately, at the moment, the only trailer I currently can find with the music is a rather short one for the PSP version:
The "TGS 2K4 PSP Trailer" has a snippet of the music I'm talking about.
I swear there was a longer (and nicer) trailer featuring the music for the PS2 version, but I can't really find it anywhere right now, and I haven't a clue where I got it in the first place.
The reason I'm even bothering to make a topic is because that one heroic swell in the music makes me feel the need for a game that's big, one about a legendary adventure. It sort of says to me....
"Imagine if there was a serious, quality Ys game with the epic scope of the most famous J-RPGS. Wouldn't that be mindblowing?"
It kind of stirs something in my gaming soul, so to speak.