GoldfishX Nov 16, 2006
I knew I liked the music for Megaman ZX just from playing some of it and feasting on the gamerip, but I just couldn't help think how good it would be if they improved that muddy bass sound or added real electric guitar. ZX Tunes did that...and the end result is more than I could have hoped for.
I feel like I did listening to the Ys IV Perfect Collections or Phantasy Star Collection 1 for the first time...Really, this album is much like them, except replacing "dark fantasy RPG" with "futuristic action Metrovania". I always said the Ys series sounded like Megaman music done right, but in an RPG...ZX Tunes is just Megaman done right, period. I've always heard flashes of brilliance in the Remastered series (namely, the rock tracks and some of the funky stuff like "Ice Brain"), but they've absolutely nailed the drum programming for this one and nearly everything is perfectly arranged. Normally, I don't pay too much attention to drum samples, but there is a certain richness in them throughout the whole album that feeds off the techno elements, and synth/guitar melodies and makes listening to the gamerip almost difficult. Case in point: "Entrance Code" would have been an average filler track on the previous albums...Here, you're constantly surrounded by the drum loops and the chill-out effect to the music feeds off it and makes itself interesting the longer it goes on.
Stylistically, it's a bit more happy and upbeat than previous MMZero scores, but that's a good thing because the Remastered series has never been able to pull off anything remotely serious or emotional well, resulting in far too much filler (aside from "L'oiseau du bonheur" and maybe "Awakening Will", bu that was just a slower version of "Departure") and this end result feels much more natural anyway. More than once, it reminded me of Ys IV PC 1 and tracks like "Puromarock". And then there's gems like "Brilliant Show Window", which singlehandedly demonstrate the simplistic beauty of a well-done melody surrounded with the appropriate elements (this was Area C on the game). ZXT doesn't quite rock the speakers like Physis does (constantly), but it offers plenty of that quality rock too: "Pallida Mors", "Rockin' On" (with a name like that, it BETTER be good...and it is) and "Gauntlet", which has one of the best guitar hooks I've ever heard running all through it.
I'm not kidding...This is the next monster of synth-rock and is every bit as good as the Ys IV Perfect Collections or Phantasy Star Collection 1 (first time I've put something in that category). It's "gamey", but some of the best quality "gamey" I've heard. I think III has finally nailed their formula to perfection...Now if they can just apply it to some "classic" Megaman music, we're definitely in business. But hey, another ZX game soundtrack would be swell too.
Damn...Wild Arms Rock Arrange, PSU and this all in the same month. And I thought 2006 was good before October started...