jb Dec 28, 2006
Did anyone else know that Yoko Kanno is scoring Ragnarok Online 2 and there's 3 songs up on www.ragnarokonline2.co.kr ?
Good stuff.
Did anyone else know that Yoko Kanno is scoring Ragnarok Online 2 and there's 3 songs up on www.ragnarokonline2.co.kr ?
Good stuff.
It's really old news, but we've all just been sitting around waiting for the game to finally come out and some official OST to go with it.
The samples are hawt.
Wow, I had no idea she was doing stuff for Gravity now.
I always thought that Koei had her locked up for vgm scores.
Though, to be honest I probably missed this news before as I am really unimpressed with the way RO2 looks.
I don't like the look of ROSE online's engine that Gravity seems to be copy 'n pasting to use for RO2.
Add insult to injury, from what I've read about how ROSE plays, it's not that great of a game, so I hope RO2 won't clone much more than its graphics.
I kinda miss playing RO, it was the first (and only) MMORPG that I could play solo. I'm kinda an antisocial online gamer, unless you are already a friend, I tend not to talk too much.
Back on OT, any more word on who else is doing compositions to the ost? I'll be bummed if there isn't any soundTEMP in there, I love the stuff they did for the first RO.
Wow, I had no idea she was doing stuff for Gravity now.
I always thought that Koei had her locked up for vgm scores.
Though, to be honest I probably missed this news before as I am really unimpressed with the way RO2 looks.
I don't like the look of ROSE online's engine that Gravity seems to be copy 'n pasting to use for RO2.
Add insult to injury, from what I've read about how ROSE plays, it's not that great of a game, so I hope RO2 won't clone much more than its graphics.
I kinda miss playing RO, it was the first (and only) MMORPG that I could play solo. I'm kinda an antisocial online gamer, unless you are already a friend, I tend not to talk too much.
Back on OT, any more word on who else is doing compositions to the ost? I'll be bummed if there isn't any soundTEMP in there, I love the stuff they did for the first RO.
I loved the original Ragnarok Online, I played the Beta when it first came out, but the horrible lag and ping times drove me away and I never went back to it. Both Korean games I've played have had horrible latency (RO, old Gunbound but even the new "US" version is laggy and has horrible network code).
I've known about this for awhile...I'm curious how it will turn out, but I'm actually more a SoundTEMP fan than a Kanno fan, so I'm approaching cautiously. The first RO score was great stuff (much better than SoundTEMP's Granada Espada work this year) and so is its' (almost literally) hundreds of loyally prepared doujin arranges. You can NEVER have too many renditions of "Theme of Prontera"...