.59 Mar 30, 2007 (edited Apr 15, 2007)
Composer kt2 (Abandoner, No Reality) recently posted a remastered selection of his music on his homepage, which you can find here: http://kt2unknown.web.fc2.com/
His name has been dropped a few times on these boards, and since he mentiones on his site that he'd like for people to give his music a shot, I thought I'd post the link. He thought about selling these tracks at the previous Comiket, but really wanted more people to listen to them so instead chose to make them available for download for free. As the tracks are remastered there are some very subtle differences with the album versions. His older albums are kind of hard to come by without access to YJA, so it's a nice chance to enjoy some of his older work. I personally think it's all great and original stuff, and the guy deserves more attention, so please give his music a try
Of the two albums advertised on his site ("Lost Child Infinia" and "History Repeats Itself") the latter is available through VGMWorld, while you can order Lost Child Infinia through Amazon Japan.