Daniel K Sep 13, 2010
Just wanted to let other fans of this amazing composer know that there are some tracks up on his MySpace account that aren't on his main albums (not news by any means, they've been up for a while):
There are a couple at the top of the playlist, "Night Flight" and "Arrival of Detectives", and another one at the very bottom, called "Mood". "Night Flight" seems to have gotten a physical release on this CD, that I have no idea what its supposed to be.
I'm really digging the first two. I thought "Night Flight" was a bit weak and dragging-on at first, but it quickly caught me. It builds very nicely towards the end. "Arrival of Detectives" is my favourite, damn I love that mellow mood. Both tracks are not as immediately accessible as some of his earlier stellar work, but once you warm up to them, you'll see that they represent an evolution and sophistication of style from where we last heard kt2 (2006's Lost Child - Infinia). Does anyone know from what context "Arrival of Detectives" is? Because if its from a soundtrack, I want it. I personally found "Mood" a bit underwhelming, its good, but not as stand-out as the other two in my mind.
While we're on the topic, anyone know what he's been up to lately? There was some talk in another thread that he was working on something that was to be released in 2009, but I've heard nothing about it since. I Have heard Nothing from Him, get it? I hope he's working on something official, it'd be a crying shame for such a talented and unique composer to fall even deeper into obscurity than he already is at.