Ramza Apr 13, 2007
Preview flash, includes cool music.
Gust milks series like Falcom, and that's a-okay with me.
Preview flash, includes cool music.
Gust milks series like Falcom, and that's a-okay with me.
Music sounds good. Gust has become one of my favorite developers, and they can milk it all they want as long as they keep making awesome music.
Damn, and I haven't even played Atelier Iris 2 yet. But I'm 2/3 the way through Ar Tonelico 1 and I love it. I don't foresee myself passing this one up.
Any indication of a release date on that site? (Or any non-WMV downloadable material?)
I wish Adobe would just provide a Flash binary I could use...
What do you mean? Something like the actual flash file itself? Here's the link for the teaser trailer:
I was hoping for something more along the lines of links to wallpapers or audio samples.
I have no Flash support, and things like these (which I actually care about) are few and far enough between that I don't really care to change that.