xanadujin Apr 26, 2007
OK, I just got this album and listened to it for the first time last night. And GODDAMN. THIS is how an arrange album is done.
Meguro did everything possible right with this album. He chose the best songs, he arranged them himself, and completely re-worked them to a degree extremely satisfying for fans of the originals. It's like he read our minds. I can't tell you how much Mass Destruction, Burn My Dread -Last Battle-, Want To Be Close, and 全ての人の魂の戦い kick f*cking ass on here. Most of the tracks on here are practically new songs, yet they stay true enough to the originals to be familiar, and don't stray off into a completely other universe, like some arranges can fatally do. Basically, he kept the best aspects of each song, built upon them, and infused a serious "kickass" factor. This is why it's so good when composers arrange their own songs, because they know their own vision. Not every track on the CD is simply mind-blowing, but the good ones are GOOD, and I haven't been this enthralled with an album in a long time.
I urge fans of the original soundtrack to get this album immediately. I urge non-fans of the original soundtrack to investigate it as well. I know there were some mixed opinions about the P3 original soundtrack, but if you at least even KIND OF like the original tracks on this album, you will love it. I, myself, am not a HUGE fan of the original Persona 3 soundtrack on the whole. There are a lot of meager tunes spread through out it, and Shin Megami Tensei III and both Digital Devil Sagas definitely had better soundtracks overall. I also agree with Goldfish that the multitude of remixes of Tantaurus for the main dungeon themes was a complete and unfortunate waste. However, there are some really adventurous and innovative tracks on the soundtrack that work extremely well in the game, and when Meguro rocks, he ROCKS. So, take a look at the track list on the arrange album. If any of the those tracks are ones you reasonably liked from the original soundtrack, it's worth checking out. If funk/rock/hip-hoppy game tunes simply aren't your thing, well then don't bother I guess. ^^
http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%90%E3%83 … 595&sr=8-1
While I still wish we had the composers on board from Persona 2 Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment for Persona 3, Meguro continues to impress, and has proved with this album that he knows how to not only satisfy his fans, but make one hell of an arrange. I say bring him on for more.
- Justin Pfeiffer