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richard May 9, 2007

- RUMOR: Square Enix is working on a full 3D remake of Final Fantasy IV for Nintendo DS, the game is being developed by Matrix Software, the company developed FFIII for NDS. The remake will have all new episodes throughout the game.


Maybe not as polyganol as III

Qui-Gon Joe May 9, 2007

I really shouldn't complain about this that much, being that Square also just announced AN ACTUAL NEW IP in the last day as well, but between a possible FF4 remake right after the GBA one and that announcement of Dissidia, I'm really annoyed with the stupid amount of FF coming out soon.  And all this while STILL having no details whatsoever on Crystal Chronicles for the Wii (the only spinoff I care about - imagining what they can do with a sequel to such an awesome multiplayer game... WITHOUT the ridiculous hardware requirements... has me all tingly).  Blah.

Flexar May 9, 2007

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

I'm really annoyed with the stupid amount of FF coming out soon

Yeah, it's been annoying me for a long time as well. But why kill the milking cow? And also, I'm kind of surprised that there hasn't been any word on possible FF games on the Virtual Console.

.59 May 9, 2007

They're not listing their source for this news? That's not very nice.
Anyway, the rumor comes from this blog which was quoted on Neogaf in this thread:
According to the blog at least, the game's staff should be composed of not only the people that worked on the FFIII DS remake, but some that worked on the original FFIV as well. I haven't played the game myself in a while, so I wouldn't mind a DS remake. Sucks for all the people that just bought the GBA version though. I'm not too fond of all the FF series whoring myself, but seeing how FFXII Revenant Wings is on the top of the charts it kind of figures S-E would pursue this strategy. Making FFXIII in particular must cost them an huge amount of money, and considering the as of yet small userbase for the PS3 I'm not all too confident it'll end up selling even as much as FFXII did. All these remakes and spin-offs could be a nice way of funding their more ambitious projects.

Zane May 9, 2007

.59 wrote:

All these remakes and spin-offs could be a nice way of funding their more ambitious projects.

That would be nice, but I have a feeling the remakes and spinoffs are just funding more remakes and spinoffs.

Ryu May 9, 2007

Zane wrote:
.59 wrote:

All these remakes and spin-offs could be a nice way of funding their more ambitious projects.

That would be nice, but I have a feeling the remakes and spinoffs are just funding more remakes and spinoffs.

Heh, true.  Although, a full-fledged remake or spinoff of FF6 sounds good to me.  I won't cry that I have the GBA version.  Since I don't even own the game, I'd like a remake of FF7.  I do whine about the PSP releases, but nothing has so far tempted me into getting one.

I would be surprised if FFXIII remains a PS3 exclusive, even if they've already decided to whore out a bunch of spinoffs.  The same is true for MGS4's exclusivity.

.59 May 9, 2007

Zane wrote:

That would be nice, but I have a feeling the remakes and spinoffs are just funding more remakes and spinoffs.

Well yeah, for the most part they do, I guess. Still, because of the way their current business model is working for them, they have less to lose by making a high profile title like FFXIII exclusively for the PS3 than say, Kojima does with MGS4. Even if it doesn't sell all that well, they can at least partially recover those costs through their spin-offs and remakes. If the PS3 does catch on FFXIII will be one of its showcase titles, if only for its graphics, and'll sell like crazy. So it's kind of a calculated risk. That's why I think at least one of the FFXIII titles will stay an exclusive, while there's a good chance MGS4 will get an Xbox 360 version after the PS3 one is out for a while.

.59 May 9, 2007 (edited May 9, 2007)

It's not a rumor anymore:
No new info in the scan, sadly, but I think it looks really nice. Now that I actually own a DS, I'll probably be picking this up when it comes out.

Eirikr May 9, 2007

It does look nicer than I thought it would and I'll buy it just because I love IV.

However, with this and the rest of the slew of FF projects, I can't help but feel a cheapening of the FF brand. Why can't SE milk the slime instead?

SonicPanda May 9, 2007

Urge to rant rising...

Put me under the "f--- this" category, or rather, the "f--- Square" category. I liked Advent Children, appreciate a portable FFV, and bits and pieces of KH2 were pretty fun, but those aside the company hasn't put out original and/or worthwhile in the last five years. The talent is gone from the company, and most of what remains spends their time either killing heretofore respected brands or exhuming corpses and changing the tux.
Then again, why shouldn't they? Enix has shown that there's money and exposure to be had simply trading on Square's name to this point. Hell, we're getting the fourth versions of FF1, 2, and 4 within six years, and STILL there are people willing to buy, even if for the first time since WonderSwan you'll have to pay for 1 & 2 individually. But it'll all be worth it when they put 1 & 2 3D on the DS (with two new job classes in the first and one extra dungeon in the second) in 2009, won't it?
For my part, though, I'm done. Too many other companies are putting out perfectly awesome RPGs these days to be supporting this sort of laziness any further. f--- this, and f--- Square.

Qui-Gon Joe May 9, 2007

I dunno if I'd say Square overall isn't putting out anything new and creative anymore.  I'm finally playing FFXII and absolutely loving it as one of the most refreshingly different and - dare I say it - courageous RPGs to come out in a long, long time.  I like it when Square uses the popularity of the FF brand to actually take risks, as with that game.  I just wish that they didn't spend the rest of their time pulling crap like this.  I mean, I like FF4 and all, but if they're going to rehash, at least rehash some of the series that haven't already been rehashed to hell.  Or, you know, Chrono Trigger or something?

Dais May 9, 2007

SonicPanda wrote:

For my part, though, I'm done. Too many other companies are putting out perfectly awesome RPGs these days to be supporting this sort of laziness any further. f--- this, and f--- Square.

The problem is, I don't think too many companies are putting out perfectly awesome RPGS on the DS yet.


Ashley Winchester May 9, 2007

SonicPanda wrote:

For my part, though, I'm done. Too many other companies are putting out perfectly awesome RPGs these days to be supporting this sort of laziness any further. f--- this, and f--- Square.

Square's clout from the 8, 16, and 32 bit eras only carries them so far in my book... I haven't been too impressed with many of their 128 PS2 bit offerings. Of course, I'm probably looking in the wrong place to begin with.

Angela May 9, 2007

I'm not against the idea of a remake per se, but it would've been nice to have it on a more powerful console system, like, say, the 360 or PS2.  It's looking okay for a DS title, but can you imagine a remake that's akin to, say, FFIX in terms of prerendered overworld graphics and FFX in terms of the battle look?  Not to mention analog stick controls; if FFIII DS is any indication, that d-pad is going to be a pain in the ass to use again. (Stylus controlling in both it and Chocobo Tales never felt right to me.)

shdwrlm3 May 9, 2007

The remake is looking nice enough, but I'm more concerned about the gameplay. I've still yet to finish my Chronicles copy of FF IV because of the tedious level grinding required.

Of course, I'm just happy that this is one step closer to a FFVI remake. It really got the shaft on the GBA, so it deserves a proper remake.

avatar! May 9, 2007

Ugh! How many times can you eat the same thing before you get sick of it???
Honestly, the remakes were cool the first time because you could actually play them without having to spend a fortune to get the SNES games. Secondly, they had upgraded scripts, and were more challenging (at least in the case of FFIV). However, I think things are getting ridiculous! However, as long as fan boys and fan girls keep devouring up anything that has FF on it, I guess I can't really blame Squenix...

As for me, I'd actually rather play something new, as opposed to FF remake #5,6,7...


Wanderer May 10, 2007

I think I'll pass. I've played FFIV so many times (in so many different versions) that I'm officially sick of the game.

GoldfishX May 10, 2007 (edited May 10, 2007)

So basically, I just have to say I agree with Sonic, Angela and avatar here...

-tired of the FF whoring. Check.
-very little worthwhile talent remaining at Square. Check.
-FFIV on a more powerful console is much more preferable. Check.
-tired of the FF whoring. Check.

Wow, except that third point, I've been saying that for the past 3-4 years. Hmm...

Adam Corn May 10, 2007

The only FF remake I've ever played is FF 1&2 for GBA, and I learned my lesson with it:  no matter what they do to pretty up the graphics, if there aren't some significant adjustments to modernize the gameplay, these classic RPGs are too tedious for me to bother with.  The only possible exception being FF6 since I hold it in such high esteem, and the remakes of it thus far don't even qualify as being properly "prettied up".

What they should do with FF4 DS and any further remakes is implement an entirely new, modernized battle system and let the player choose whether to use it or the original.  Updated graphics and a modified script and story alone don't cut it for me.

That said I am not too impressed with the graphics in the shots I've seen of FF4 DS thus far anyway.

The one hypothetical outcome I'm hoping for if this latest port succeeds is that it will somehow lead to a sweet FF6 remake on Wii big_smile

Datschge May 10, 2007

Angela wrote:

I'm not against the idea of a remake per se, but it would've been nice to have it on a more powerful console system, like, say, the 360 or PS2.

Not putting it onto a popular portable wouldn't make it a too big enough cash cow though. Back when the FF4-6 Advance port series was done SEx's Wada stated that they'll push even more through the portable ports/remakes progress as that's very profitable. We are just seeing the results now.

lordskylark May 10, 2007

Actually... FF4 and FF6 in 3d are the only remaked I really care about. However, why couldn't they do them on somethingl ike PS2 at least, where the graphics don't look so crappy or childish?

Also, I hope they don't limit the monsters in the battle ot 4 monsters instead of the max 9 like did for some stupid reason decided to do with FF3 DS...


Kirin Lemon May 10, 2007

A similar quality I've noticed with both anime and RPG fans is that they have a tendency to bitch prematurely at every little thing.  I, for one, am really looking forward to this remake, since I love the original version so much.

GoldfishX May 10, 2007 (edited May 10, 2007)

Kirin Lemon wrote:

A similar quality I've noticed with both anime and RPG fans is that they have a tendency to bitch prematurely at every little thing.

Only when warranted. I think I'd be a lot more excited without a dozen or so other FF games on the horizon and a (really) shoddy port of FFIV just released a year ago.

That said, as a proud FFIV fanboy, I am looking forward to seeing how they're going to pull this off and if they'll add anything significant to an already-solid RPG. The ability to switch party members more often would be nice (ala the GBA FFIV).

Angela May 10, 2007

Datschge wrote:
Angela wrote:

I'm not against the idea of a remake per se, but it would've been nice to have it on a more powerful console system, like, say, the 360 or PS2.

Not putting it onto a popular portable wouldn't make it a too big enough cash cow though. Back when the FF4-6 Advance port series was done SEx's Wada stated that they'll push even more through the portable ports/remakes progress as that's very profitable. We are just seeing the results now.

Oh, I'm not doubting the marketing decision one bit; they'd be crazy NOT to develop it for anything other than the DS at this point.  Was just shooting off a little wishful thinking, is all.

And I'm placing Dissidia on my list of interest for one reason: the potential for a badass musical score consisting of new arrangements from the Final Fantasy series.   Zidane versus Kuja, for instance?  Perfect opportunity to bring in "Messenger of Destruction."  ^_^

XLord007 May 15, 2007

The scans that I saw looked pretty cool, and I love FF4, so, whoring or not, I'll pick this up.  That said, I really hope they add the ability to skip the obnoxious battle intro camera pan that made FF3 DS crawl so badly.

As for all the other FF announcements: Yamn.  Especially big yawn for Dissidia.

lordskylark May 31, 2007

I saw the new trailer for this... Some nice looking FMV...

The only thing is, with the DS verison, there isn't going ot be much FMV... I wish they would do it on the PS2 at least... That way they could load the game with some incredible FMV and the graphics would at least look better than the crappy DS... (since FF4 was always my favorite FF game anyhow)


XLord007 Jun 1, 2007

lordskylark wrote:

I saw the new trailer for this... Some nice looking FMV...

The only thing is, with the DS verison, there isn't going ot be much FMV... I wish they would do it on the PS2 at least... That way they could load the game with some incredible FMV and the graphics would at least look better than the crappy DS... (since FF4 was always my favorite FF game anyhow)


I'd prefer there'd be no FMV at all.  It's freaking FF4, afterall.

avatar! Jun 2, 2007

XLord007 wrote:
lordskylark wrote:

I saw the new trailer for this... Some nice looking FMV...

The only thing is, with the DS verison, there isn't going ot be much FMV... I wish they would do it on the PS2 at least... That way they could load the game with some incredible FMV and the graphics would at least look better than the crappy DS... (since FF4 was always my favorite FF game anyhow)


I'd prefer there'd be no FMV at all.  It's freaking FF4, afterall.

Well then, it sounds to me that you should be very happy with FFIV Advance! The only thing I wish they would do with the classic FF games is remove the random battles, which is not an easy thing to do, but I think they could do it... but they won't, instead they'll just add more movies...*yawn*



Zane Jun 2, 2007

The thing I'm looking forward to the most is the updated roster.

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