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Ramza May 16, 2007

That's some pretty rad swag. Way better than the stuff I've gotten at E3 the last two years.


Qui-Gon Joe May 16, 2007

Ugh, I didn't get ANYTHING but a card for the theatre.  I got there first thing in the morning, waited an hour to see a bunch of videos that were mostly old (I have no idea why the theatre was closed-door), and when I was done with the FIFTY MINUTE video they'd already closed the lines for Subarashiki Kono Sekai and Crisis Core because they were too long.  I don't understand - from what I could read I thought you got one of each of the CDs for doing each of all three events, followed by the case if you got all three CDs; I, however, was just given a card and told that I could get the Dissidia CD with the case if I got the other two.  Too bad it was literally impossible to do.


Oh well, at least I got the Crystal Chronicles thingy.  big_smile

Flexar May 16, 2007 (edited May 16, 2007)

Promo discs as in music samples? Mp3 plz.

Hm, so Dissidia and It's a Wonderful World are composed by Takeharu Ishimoto..

Carl May 16, 2007

Thanks for the links

orion_mk3 May 16, 2007

Very interesting; thanks for the links!

I have to say, though, that the music itself isn't too encouraging. Although two tracks may be a bit little to go on, it sounds like Before Crisis has inherited Dirge of Cerberus' musical malaise.

GoldfishX May 16, 2007 (edited May 16, 2007)

Doesn't really sound anything like DoC to me. If anything, the Before Crisis tracks have an alt-rock/grunge sound to them. Normally, this type of rock music is stuff I don't care for (the Main Theme is kinda "eh"), but I can't deny those are some quality licks in Last Order -Crisis Mix- nontheless.

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