Dais May 16, 2007
I've always been meaning to get around to checking out the larger body of Motoi's work, as I've generally enjoyed what I've heard, but I've never actually really listened to any album of his besides the bizarre and fantastic "Beyond the Beyond OGS". The actual nature of the game and perhaps the original game audio aside, it's always been one of my favorites....but I was under the impression that his recent work was less like Beyond the Beyond and more like Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean 2 (two other games he's composed that I've played). I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy the music of those games, but they always kind of struck me as....different than Beyond the Beyond and the arrangements that came out of it.
Recently, I listened to the arranges from the Star Ocean Blue Sphere AST/OST, and some of the tracks - especially the first track, "Myth of Fate", as well as "No Mercy" - had bits and pieces that strongly reminded me of the rather surreal mental journey the BTB OGS tended to take me on, and I was reminded how much I enjoyed them compared to what else I've heard of his work.
So my question is.....do any of Sakuraba's other original compositions or arrange albums seem a lot like his work on Beyond the Beyond, original or arranged? He's composed for a lot of series that I haven't taken time to listen to - the older Shining games, a lot of the Tales series, the third Star Ocean, the Valkyrie Profile games, and probably a dozen other games I can't think of the names of right now.
man, I really need to play some more Sakuraba-scored games. His battle themes are pretty consistently awesome.