Crash Jun 12, 2007
OK, here's the situation: I have a mountain of games that I've bought but haven't gotten to yet. Now that it's summertime, I almost feel an obligation to delve into some of these quality RPGs that line my shelf, and I would like some suggestions for which game I should tackle first. Here's what I'm staring at:
1. Shadow Hearts (the first one): I've played the second one, and absolutely loved it. I'm about 5 1/2 hours into this one, but there are so many other games I need to get to...
2. Disgaea 2: I put 400 hours into the first one, and around 200 hours into La Pucelle (which really grew on me), but couldn't get jazzed enough about Phantom Brave or Makai Kingdom to finish either of them. I've been waiting to play this for some time, but still haven't even gotten around to opening the package.
3. Suikoden V: Bought it for the girlfriend, but she never really got into it. I haven't played any Suikoden games, ever, but it seems like this is a very popular game choice around these parts.
4. Odin Sphere: Brand new, and waiting to be played.
5. Grim Grimoire: OK, so it hasn't been released yet, but once it is, it's coming to my doorstep posthaste.
6. Ys ~ The Oath in Felghana: I have two copies of this, but haven't installed it on my computer yet (mainly because the computer is being monopolized by Oblivion).
7. Ys Origin: See comment on Felghana, except there is just one copy of this.
So, given these choices, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should proceed?