Carl Jun 14, 2007 (edited Jun 14, 2007)
I recently picked up 3 different CHRONO TRIGGER ARRANGE ALBUMS, and can happily report that all of them are totally awesome. These are independant works produced and self-published by Japanese Doujin Groups, read this wiki link for more information about what a doujin is.
I promptly got busy selecting samples and uploading for your listening enjoyment, so please enjoy all the delicious sounds and varied styles presented! Check em out!
4 samples per album, around 2~3mb each in size.
"Journey Through the Brilliant Days" by Takrockers
Cover Pic
03 it's fine today ~Millenial Samba~.mp3
Nice party atmosphere with this swingin' Samba, love the piano on here. Shake your maracas!
04 An old wind ~Autumn Day Feast Revolt~.mp3
The evening air has settled in for a sunset dinner, followed by a jazzy flare to welcome the night.
06 break time ~The Outskirts of Time~.mp3
Well after Midnight has passed, the stillness of the dark finds the weary travellers of time.
10 See you next time ~The Next Utilization~.mp3
You can't name your group "takrockers!!" without proving you can actually rock out, so here's ample guitar riffage.
"Le Cercueil du Reve" by various arrangers
Cover Pic
01 Open the Gate of Time (クロノトリガー).mp3
Uptempo Rock party-starter anthem, this dude 'kazzy1kbt' could pass as a real band it's such a well done mix. The liner notes mention real Sax for this track, so maybe the other instruments are too?
04 Robo's Theme -君の見せた涙- (ロボのテーマ).mp3
It's Robo's Theme, so you can't go wrong here no matter what you do with it, hehe.
Happy tune as always!
07 みどりの思い出 -Fresh Techno-.mp3
Over to the mysterious side of things, for a synthy soup with a haunting piano finish.
08 Black Dream (黒の夢).mp3
Deep sexy grooves and big beats means it's time to get your PIMP ON and nail that kitty.
Who knew the Underwater Palace was so hot and steamy?!
"Art" Chrono Trigger Arrange Album by ACE.
Cover Pic
04 Theme of DENJIN P.mp3
Fast Techno/club version of Robo's theme, again you just can't go wrong with Robo.
05 Mad empress.mp3
Nice intro, Listen to the commentary guy talking in the background, hehe
DAY OF LAVOS approaching, OMFG!!
08 The crack of doom.mp3
Final Battle meets ESPGaluda
09 Requiem.mp3
Sweet Epic buildup and Finale, complete with holy organs and church choir, naturally.
Well, I hope you've had as much fun listening as I have!
Comments are welcomed of course.