GoldfishX wrote:Hmm, I thought you didn't like the AI rock arranges?
Deceitful Wings is good, though only something I listen to when generally wanting to listen to something that's rock n' roll. "Alchemic Blast" is the only track of it that I find the melody memorable and engaging, and I like those chimes that are laced throughout it. Otherwise, I find it very similar to, say, F-Zero, Black Mages, or Megaman.
Now, Red Lucifer Rising ROCKS OUT. The citar on "Imperial Fangs" and the shakuhachi on "Legacy" are both nice touchs, I find the entire album melodically pleasing, and there's something in each piece that helps me easily differentiate it from the others. This's probably my second favorite album out of my entire collection!
I only find minor faults with it, as the arrange of "Shining Sword" is much faster than the original version; the arrange version is just kind of like, "Killitkillitkillitkillitnow!" I liked the slower pace of the original better, but the arrange is still good.
Also, I liked the original of "Slasher Blue" better, as it sounds more so out of Megaman; again, I like the chimes they have at the beginning, but I like how they're already rocking out at the beginning, rather than using the chimes to build up to the rocking out part like they do in the arrange. I actually liked the synthesized chimes they used in the original.
My only real disappointment with Red Lucifer Rising was this: "Mandibles of the Abyss" wasn't arranged.
I could've sworn it was supposed to be on this album!
For Grand Fantasm, I've found that I really like the primal beat in "Dance of the Spirits," and "Rain of Blossoms" has a really good intro, with the shuffling sounds, the melodic lines played by the strings, and the sort of "wa" sound they have going on there.
Come to think of it, the opening, "SchwarzweiĆ," could be considered rock too, couldn't it? I rather like this piece, between the chants, the guitars, and the soft J-Pop vocal. The percussion was also pretty good, too.
As for Ar-Tonelico, I like the percussion and melody in "Sleipnir," and "Courageous Beat" is really dramatic, between the rhythm, strings, chants, and percussion.