GoldfishX Jul 7, 2006
Glad to see this one come around...Part of me was expecting it, since Atelier Iris 2 has a lot of the same style of synth rock from the first game and were prime for arranging (though I have no complaints about their original versions). Hopefully now it will be a yearly thing, since the Atelier composers have also hammered out Ar Tonelico OST and Atelier Iris: Grand Fantasm OST (my early favorite of the year thus far).
So if this album follows the same pattern as the first Atelier Iris arrange (and knowing SSH's arrangement choices and overall style, it will) we'll probably be seeing:
Shining Sword
Mandible of the Abyss (wishful thinking)
Emperor Fangs
Seething Fighting Spirit
The Legacy
Slasher Blue (!)
Red Lucifer Rising
Danger Zone
Glad to see Gust and SSH coming to such good terms...Hopefully other known arrangers will have similar luck with bigger companies, since (official) arranges seem to be something of a dying breed (Mintjam, meet Falcom*...Falcom, meet Mintjam...Have fun!)
Also interesting: The Black Mages 3 is supposed to come out sometime this year. Head to head rock-arrange battle? I hope so...
*feel free to alternate with Square-Enix, Capcom, Konami, Sega, etc.