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Ephidel Sep 13, 2008




I might as well just say this, I told you so!

I came back here nearly a year ago and sang the praises of Resi : UC and it's soundtrack and the response was non-existant.... >.>

I really would've liked to stay on these forums but seeing as most people hated me, I decided to leave.....


If you want my opinion on Resi, I agree with Megavolt. Resi > SH!

Personally, Resi 0 is my favourite of the series as it's a traditional Resi game with some Resi 4 style action. Plus, it has a slightly better soundtrack than 1, 3 and CVX.

Also, I agree with Zane that Resi 2 was harder than Resi 1. For starters, the Super Tyrant was ridiculous as he just battered the crap out of you (kinda like Ridley off Metroid Fusion) and Birkin (4th "Dog" Form) did the same. You couldn't get an accurate shot off AND not get mauled so you just had to spam on the invincibility herb combos.

Anyway, I could write a thesis on my opinions on Resident Evil, so I'll stop while I have a chance. tongue

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