Angela Feb 26, 2006
Now how in the world did I miss this? GBA ports of the first two Ganbare Goemon games for the Super Famicom, packed onto one cart; I've been waiting for the original Mystical Ninja for most of the GBA's lifespan, and here it was already released last April. This is way, way better than Goeman's other GBA title, New Age Shutsudou.
With the exception of some very minor hit collision issues in Goemon 1, the ports are pound for pound faithful. The graphics and nifty use of SNES effects (rotation, mode 7) are replicated perfectly, with Goemon 2 in particular looking downright gorgeous on the small screen. The game seems a bit more difficult than I remember; for instance, fighting stage two's lantern boss from the Goemon 1 proved to be a difficult ordeal, as those lanterns were shooting all manner of fireballs at me. The new save feature for Goemon 1 is also appreciated, though you still need to visit the password vendor to make the save.
My wishlist for SNES games making it to the GBA just got a little smaller. Super Punch Out!, Axelay, Front Mission, Super Castlevania 4, and Chrono Trigger still at large.