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Qui-Gon Joe Aug 10, 2007

Copied/pasted from a CD Japan email, for those of you who haven't seen it:

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle Ring of Fate / Original Soundtrack (CDA)
Price: Yen- 2000, US$(16.81) Release Date: 19-Sep-2007
Original soundtrack to the Nintendo DS game "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Ring of Fate" (sequel to the groundbreaking GameCube game).  Soundtrack
composed by "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles" and "Final Fantasy XI"
composer Kumi Tanioka featuring a classical fantasy RPG style melodic sound. 
Also includes unreleased bonus tracks.

Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Original Soundtrack (CDA)
Price: Yen- 3619, US$(30.41) Release Date: 10-Oct-2007
Original soundtrack to the game "Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII" featuring
tons of FF7-inpsired music from composer Takeharu Ishimoto and the theme song
"Why" by Ayaka.

One disc and two, respectively.  I'm really looking forward to the former, especially after meeting Tanioka at the S-E Party.  Curious about the latter, though I don't know anything about the composer.

GoldfishX Aug 10, 2007

Not insanely looking forward to either, but I'm open for surprises. The samples for Crisis Core that were released awhile back have me interested in what the rest of the soundtrack will be like.

I think it's safe to say the impact of an FF's soundtrack has greatly diminished, with the massive amount of games SE see's fit to put out and the revolving door of composers they see fit to put in...

Zane Aug 10, 2007

I'm curious to see how Crisis Core turns out, seeing how it has "tons" of FFVII-inspired material. It's always something to see how someone gets inspiration from something and projects their own work out based on it. I wonder if any recurring themes will be used, or if Ishimoto is going to be throwing this one together 100% from scratch.

allyourbaseare Aug 10, 2007

Tanioka really shined on the Crystal Chronicles soundtrack.  I hope she can maintain that quality on the DS game.

jb Aug 10, 2007

Not touching Crystal Chronicles with a 10 foot pole, the original was garbage compared to anything else in the entire FF series.  I do have CRISIS CORE preordered though.

longhairmike Aug 11, 2007

i got more enjoyment from microwaving the gelcase trying to soften it up than listening to the ost...

Qui-Gon Joe Aug 11, 2007

longhairmike wrote:

i got more enjoyment from microwaving the gelcase trying to soften it up than listening to the ost...

Fumes will do that!  wink

Seriously, I never realized there was such a big divide on that game's soundtrack.  I thought it was a nice breath of fresh air that fit the game really well.  That said, I also enjoyed the game itself; probably not least because my group of gaming friends are the type who also played through tons of Dungeon Explorer I and II and PSO together.

jb Aug 11, 2007

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
longhairmike wrote:

i got more enjoyment from microwaving the gelcase trying to soften it up than listening to the ost...

Fumes will do that!  wink

Seriously, I never realized there was such a big divide on that game's soundtrack.  I thought it was a nice breath of fresh air that fit the game really well.  That said, I also enjoyed the game itself; probably not least because my group of gaming friends are the type who also played through tons of Dungeon Explorer I and II and PSO together.

It does not stand well on it's own at all, and since I haven't really played a console game since KH1, or beaten one since FF7 (does Mad Maestro count?), the whole it works well in game argument doesn't work for me.  Kumi's music is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and just not that complex or interesting to listen to.

Qui-Gon Joe Aug 11, 2007

jb wrote:

It does not stand well on it's own at all, and since I haven't really played a console game since KH1, or beaten one since FF7 (does Mad Maestro count?), the whole it works well in game argument doesn't work for me.  Kumi's music is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and just not that complex or interesting to listen to.

Bah!  I actually listened to the OST long before playing the game, and loved it from the get-go.  I rather like it as a nice, pleasing, and relaxing soundtrack.  Of course if you don't like it, it just doesn't work for you I guess.  Personally I'm really looking forward to hearing more!

TerraEpon Aug 11, 2007

I love Chronicle's OST, if only for the instrumentation in its context, as it were. What other video games use crumhorns and other old instruments?


Amazingu Aug 11, 2007

TerraEpon wrote:

What other video games use crumhorns and other old instruments?

Suikoden II

I love Chronicles's music too by the way wink

James O Aug 11, 2007

Here's another vote for loving the soundtrack to FF Crystal Chronicles. smile

Bernhardt Aug 11, 2007

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
jb wrote:

It does not stand well on it's own at all, and since I haven't really played a console game since KH1, or beaten one since FF7 (does Mad Maestro count?), the whole it works well in game argument doesn't work for me.  Kumi's music is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and just not that complex or interesting to listen to.

Bah!  I actually listened to the OST long before playing the game, and loved it from the get-go.  I rather like it as a nice, pleasing, and relaxing soundtrack.

Agreed. Got the soundtrack, but never played the game, and I probably never will, either. Great audio mastering and quality.

As for the sequel, probably not.

Crisis Core, yes. Been waiting on this one for awhile, since hearing two different versions of the main theme.

XLord007 Aug 12, 2007

I love the FFCC Cube soundtrack, so I'm looking forward to the DS one's.  I'm not very interested in Crisis Core, but I'll get the OST and see how it is.

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