avatar! wrote:So, for those of you that have played BioShock, do you have the 360 version or the PC? Just curious... and I'm also curious if there's any difference between the two (better play control, graphics, etc)?
PC version, I don't own any consoles.
There are some pretty big release issues with the PC version of the game that people are crying about, most notably widescreen isn't really widescreen and there are some compatibility issues with Vista, random graphics cards, lockups, dumps, blue screens and crashes. There is also an activation issue, where some people can't activate. You also only get 2 "lifetime" activations, meaning technically you can only install it twice. When you uninstall it's supposed to credit you an installation, but I guess that's not working properly and people are complaining about it. But it's also SecurROM, so people are all whining about "blah blah blah anti-piracy, blah blah blah consumer rights, blah blah blah, root kit, blah blah blah".
Personally, the two annoyances I have are that there is some pretty serious mouse lag in the game. I had to turn down the difficulty to easy because I can't aim well with the lag. Some people are saying this is because mouse acceleration is on by default and can't be turned off, I don't really know. The other problem I have is that I can't bind to my standard left-handed keybind setup for FPS games (ijkl for movement instead of wasd), because "l" is a reserved key in the game and can't be rebound, which is stupid.
If you are going to go out and buy it right now, and you own both a computer and a 360, I would highly recommend getting the 360 version if you want to enjoy your experience out of the box. The PC version is playable, and I am having a wonderful time with it even despite it's huge problems, but it definitely feels like 2k Games built the Xbox 360 version and then did a very sloppy and untested port of it to the PC. No doubt, this will get patched, but I don't know how long it will take. I haven't looked into it but I think the PC version supports the ability to mod the game, so replayability is better than the Xbox 360, if you're patient.