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loveydovey Sep 18, 2007

I'd like to confirm that I have all the arranged/live Final Fantasy albums, minus the piano albums. Could you let me know if you see any missing from my list? Thanks.

FF Symphonic Suite
FF6 Grand Finale
FF7 Reunion Tracks (just the 3 last tracks)
FF7 Advent Children
FF8 Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
FF9 Plus
FFX Vocal Collections
FFX-2's 3 Vocal Collections
Song Book - Mahoroba
TOUR de JAPON (unofficial release)
20020220 music from FINAL FANTASY
More Friends music from FINAL FANTASY
Music from the Other Side of Vana'diel
Potion 2
Love Will Grow

1) I don't have Final Fantasy IV Celtic Moon--this is an arranged album right?
2) Are the unreleased tracks on "Final Fantasy IV Minimum Album" ( ) and "Final Fantasy Mix" ( ) also arranged/live songs?
3) Are these any new songs/mixes on the two S and N Generation albums?

Thank you!

Qui-Gon Joe Sep 18, 2007

Just off-hand, ones you've missed:

FF3: Eternal Legend of the Wind
FF4: Celtic Moon (yes, it's an arranged CD)
FF5: Dear Friends
The Star Onions (FF11)

There might be more, but that's all I can think of right now.

jb Sep 18, 2007

I don't know if you count the Black Mages live DVD to be arranged final fantasy music, but there's that stuff too

GoldfishX Sep 18, 2007 (edited Sep 19, 2007)

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

There might be more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Let's just say this list only covers all the original FF albums and not the fanmade ones. In that respect, it's missing a ton. ~_^

As for official, I don't see the two Black Mages albums anywhere.

Do yourself EDIT: A FAVOR (and skip FF Mix. Yes they're arranged (or at least 6 tracks on it...The first 3 and the last 3), but if you pay more than 3 cents for it, you're getting screwed.

No new songs on the S and N mixes, as they were US compilations. I'd be hesitant to call FF9 Plus an arrange, as it's more like the fifth disc for the FFIX OST.

Dais Sep 18, 2007

as far as I'm aware, Final Fantasy 1994-1999 (reprinted with a bonus remix by Project Majestic Mix as Music Inspired by Final Fantasy) is all new 'arranges', but if I recall correctly, they're just poor remasterings. Or something like that.

loveydovey Sep 19, 2007

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Just off-hand, ones you've missed:

FF3: Eternal Legend of the Wind
FF4: Celtic Moon (yes, it's an arranged CD)
FF5: Dear Friends
The Star Onions (FF11)

There might be more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Thanks for the missing additions.  You probably knew this, but just had a momentary lapse: 'Music from the Other Side of Vana'diel' is 'The Star Onions.'

loveydovey Sep 19, 2007

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Do yourself...

I'm not that into myself.

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Yes they're arranged (or at least 6 tracks on it...The first 3 and the last 3), but if you pay more than 3 cents for it, you're getting screwed.

Were you referring to "Final Fantasy IV Minimum Album" or "Final Fantasy Mix" ?

Thank you for the info.

And thanks everyone else.

GoldfishX Sep 19, 2007

I'm not familiar with the Minimum Album. I was referring to FF Mix.

Also, see my edit above. ^_^

loveydovey Sep 19, 2007

GoldfishX wrote:

I'm not familiar with the Minimum Album. I was referring to FF Mix.

OK, thanks.

GoldfishX wrote:

Also, see my edit above. ^_^


loveydovey Sep 19, 2007

Turns out the Final Fantasy Mix/F.F. Mix album has at least 3 arranged songs that haven't appeared in prior albums (only singles):

GoldfishX Sep 19, 2007 (edited Sep 19, 2007)

I know that...I was poking fun at the actual quality of said songs. They're dance remixes, but they', really bad.

Schala Sep 19, 2007 (edited Sep 19, 2007)

Out of this list, of course, none of the FF Tactics Radio Dramas are "arranged music," so I'd leave those out. You can also leave out:

- both Project Majestic Mixes (that was a big fan-done project)
- FF N Generation
- FF S Generation
- FFU After 2 (that's based on the FF Unlimited anime)

And if you want music that hasn't appeared on a full album, the music on the FF6 Special Tracks single hasn't appeared on any other album. There there are various remixes of vocal songs used in FF games and vocalized versions of FF music that appear only on various Jpop artists' albums.

loveydovey Sep 19, 2007

Incredible amounts of info at your site.  Thank you.

Schala wrote:

There there are various remixes of vocal songs used in FF games and vocalized versions of FF music that appear only on various Jpop artists' albums.

I'll stay away from that.  Doubt I could stomach it.

Qui-Gon Joe Sep 19, 2007

loveydovey wrote:
Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Do yourself...

I'm not that into myself.

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Yes they're arranged (or at least 6 tracks on it...The first 3 and the last 3), but if you pay more than 3 cents for it, you're getting screwed.

Were you referring to "Final Fantasy IV Minimum Album" or "Final Fantasy Mix" ?

Thank you for the info.

And thanks everyone else.

...I didn't write either of those things.  :\

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