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Zaggart Mar 6, 2006

avatar! wrote:
Zaggart wrote:

IMO Sony isn't giving much attention to the PSP and Nintendo isn't giving any vast attention to any of their current systems.

Disagree.  Although it's true that Nintendo is not giving much attention to the GC (due to the upcoming release or Revolution), however the DS has wonderful games coming out on it!



Yes, that is true to many people except me. For some reason none of the new games for the DS seem to interest and I already have Castlevania and Advance Wars. I kind of stay away from games with short replay vlaue and all of the games with great replay value are online. But that is my problem so it doesn't really affect the games that come out.

XLord007 Mar 6, 2006

Zaggart wrote:

I kind of stay away from games with short replay vlaue and all of the games with great replay value are online. But that is my problem so it doesn't really affect the games that come out.


Replay value is an interesting thing these days.  When I was a teenager, I had no money.  I literally got about six games per year, so those six games had to either be long or replayable or both.  Now, I can afford to buy the games I want, but I have little time to play them.  So I try to mostly play games that are 25 hours or less and I rarely replay anything (RE4 being the notable exception here) so that I can experience a decent variety of games.  Although I did not like God of War, I find myself very strongly agreeing with one of the philosophies of its creator: a short, but well-made game is preferable to a long, uneven game.

Jay Mar 6, 2006

Yeah, I'm the same XLord. I can't think what the last game I replayed was but it was a long time ago. I'm a one playthrough man and I tend to lose interest if a game is too long.

Zaggart Mar 6, 2006

I didn't mean it like that. I would never buy a game just becuase it was long or had a lot of reply vlaue, if it was bad I wouldn't buy it, it has to be good. I'm can also agree on good games with hardly any replay are better than bad games with fair replay value but I was talking about good games. Also, the games I pretty much play today are Devil May Cry 1 and 3, which have great replay value and are also good games.

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