absuplendous Oct 2, 2008
Segueing nicely from the downloadable music moral wars, the latest Nintendo DS incarnation was announced, the DSi, and a few of its touted new features is MP3/AAC playback and the DS version of Shop Channel (oh, it also comes with on-board memory and an SD slot).
I'm hardly an expert and don't forecast anything with a shred of certainty or credibility, but having been following the gamemp3s thread, a point that came to my mind is that the music industry has to keep up with technology in order to continue to thrive, and it has done so with the various forms of online music stores selling legal downloads. Call me overly optimistic, but perhaps Nintendo might consider promoting their "hot" new feature by selling music download themselves--drawing from their own music library. Given how Nintendo music is frequently acclaimed yet infrequently pressed to disc, this might be a hot selling point for music lovers and a profitable avenue for Nintendo to explore.
Don't mind me, just thinking out loud.