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Bernhardt Nov 23, 2007

What do we all think of the live recording of the Final Fantasy More Friends concert?

All been done before, or better versions of previously done pieces?

Zane Nov 24, 2007

I'd say it's more of a novelty album than anything else. The full opera from FFVI and "Opening ~ Bombing Mission" from FFVII are the only two pieces that I would say are really "exclusive", and I have to say I enjoy the studio version of the Black Mages songs a great deal more than the ones on this CD. And "Advent" OWA? Meh.

Adam Corn Nov 24, 2007

Zane wrote:

I'd say it's more of a novelty album than anything else. The full opera from FFVI and "Opening ~ Bombing Mission" from FFVII are the only two pieces that I would say are really "exclusive"

How is the FFVI opera exclusive?  Is it that much different from the FFVI Grand Finale and Orchestral Game Concert 4 versions?

Arcubalis Nov 24, 2007

I don't recall, but I think it was the first time in English.  Mainly, the CD is great if you went to the concert.  I happen to love the CD and the packaging.  Then again, I attended the show, and think it had a lot to offer.  I enjoy the Advent OWA.  smile

Zane Nov 24, 2007

Adam Corn wrote:

How is the FFVI opera exclusive?  Is it that much different from the FFVI Grand Finale and Orchestral Game Concert 4 versions?

I haven't heard the OGC version, but it's a full 12 minutes or so on More Friends and it's in English. I still prefer the OSV suite, though.

Ordim Nov 25, 2007

Adam Corn wrote:

How is the FFVI opera exclusive?  Is it that much different from the FFVI Grand Finale and Orchestral Game Concert 4 versions?

The OGC version is 23 min. in length, while the More Friends version (taken from Tour de Japon) is about 12 min.
The More Friends version, however, is in English while all others are in Japanese.

Bernhardt Nov 26, 2007 (edited Nov 26, 2007)

Tsh, so they finally orchestrate "Bombing Mission," but put it together with a number of largely lackluster, or otherwise done-to-death pieces.

Why not finally provide a full, legitimate FFVII orchestral arrange album, people?! GEEZ.

It's like, how long did it finally take them to push out a piano collection for the game? And how many people actually PURCHASED that album?!

This's just a personal preference of mine, but I've always believed that full orchestra trumps solo piano.

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