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PeteV Nov 27, 2007

The latest soundtracks from Cave have been announced.   They are:

1) Muchi Muchi Pork OST (includes a DVD)
2) Guwange / ESPrade OST

An OST for Guwange has never been released, while ESPrade is being reprinted.

the_miker Nov 27, 2007

Nice, thanks for the info.  FYI for those who wanna know, Muchi Muchi Pork was composed by pretty much the same team who did Pink Sweets Ibara.  MASA-KING, Kizakura, Naohiro Sightow, Natsuko Naitou, and Daisuke Matsumoto.


Nemo Nov 27, 2007

Wow, that's phenemonal because Guwange's OST is.  ESPrade isn't bad either, plus the ESPrade/Dodonpachi OST goes for $200+.

Pellasos Nov 28, 2007

looking forward to Guwange's OST smile

Pellasos Feb 26, 2008

you can order Guwange / ESPrade OST from PA now, its in stock.

Carl Feb 27, 2008

Muchi Pork does have the same ULTRA-HAPPY feel as Pink Sweets, which kinda puts them in the lower rankings of Cave albums for me... Stage 1 theme is great though.

P-A finally has the Guwange stocked?  Time to order, because that's got some nice SAMURAI style tunes!

Chris Feb 27, 2008

I absolutely hated Muchi Muchi Pork! I actually thought the first stage theme was the worst of the bunch but everything was repetitive and annoying. On the other hand, I really like all the Pink Sweets Ibara Original Soundtrack. I found it was fun but not annoying.

I haven't checked out Cave's works pre-Dai-Ou-Jou. Maybe I should. I really hope that a Death Smiles Original Soundtrack is released (along with DoDonPachi IV) as I still think Manabu Namiki is the shooter king.

Abrahm Feb 29, 2008

Chris wrote:

I haven't checked out Cave's works pre-Dai-Ou-Jou. Maybe I should. I really hope that a Death Smiles Original Soundtrack is released (along with DoDonPachi IV) as I still think Manabu Namiki is the shooter king.

Namiki composed the DeathSmiles music?  I thought I heard shades of his style in the music (behind all the foreground action noise).

Yes, I need that one, too.

P.S.  You know, this will sound strange, but... I really like his 'Stage Clear' music.  The one from Ke-tsui gets a few repeats when I listen to that soundtrack.

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