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Ramza Nov 29, 2007

Has the mystery ever been solved?

Take a look at the S-E catalog. … display=25

10081 was the Front Mission Alternative reprint.

10083~6 was Dawn of Mana OST.

Then 10088~94 was the FFXI Box Set. For awhile, we didn't know about 82 or 87. Now it's been confirmed that the Before Crisis / Last Order FFVII OST is 10087.

I wouldn't be harping on this so much, except for the fact that SQEX has had a *perfect* track record with lining up catalog numbers to this day. In my mind, there has to be something that *ought* to go in the 10082 slot, but just isn't happening.

My initial thought: an official CD release of the Children of Mana OST (instead of just iTunes bullshit).

Anyone have any other ideas? Was there ever a CD listed for this cat number that was later cancelled?


PeteV Nov 29, 2007

Last year at the Tokyo Game Show, in a Square Enix Music catalog, SQEX announced that they would release a CD with Nobuo Uematsu's rare, non-FF Famicom music (called "Nobuo Uematsu Treasure Music Collection" or something like that).  Obviously, the album was never released, but I'm guessing it was SQEX-10082.

Chris Nov 29, 2007

It wouldn't have been Children of Mana as the digital release was two discs so it'd require two catalog numbers. While the playtime was around 84 minutes, they'd still have to cut a lot down to make it one disc. I agree that it definitely deserves a true release; I thought the introduction and conclusion were bland but Aihara and Iwata made truly excellent contributions to the core.

Anyway, I suspect PeteV is correct. I'd be surprised if this announced release would have spanned a single disc, but maybe it would have been a 'best of' unreleased tracks. It'd be very nice to see Nobuo Uematsu's early non-FF works (aside Alpha, Hanjuku Hero, SaGa 1 & 2, and Blassty) be released, as unremarkable as some of them are.

Carl Nov 29, 2007

As much as I like old Nobuo, yes the 2 tracks on the ALPHA Vinyl are quite unremarkable...

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