csK wrote:It looks like DMC 3 me. I really don't have much respect for DMC 3. The somewhat corny somewhat cool Dante of DMC has been changed into the most annoying sort of jackass imaginable...
Dante's always been kind of a frat boy...
Upgrades are always so expensive in DMC games; gathering Red Orbs (essentially cash for upgrades) I find to be even more tedious than level-building.
DMC1, I liked, but they could've stood to put more hack n' slash in it; they put a good amount of exploration in it, though.
DMC2, some of those boss fights...were pretty impossible, especially when they're flying/floating/hovering so far away, and some of the upgrades were completely unnecessary, and in some cases, useless.
DMC3, I'm actually probably liking the best. Despite the action-packed nature of the game, boss battles have a decent degree of strategy, and you really have to watch the enemy's movements to learn when to strike, and I like something like that, that actually has a certain degree of strategy, rather than just running up to the enemy and trying to hack away at him, and then just charge at him again when he swats you away.
When it comes to DMC games, I REALLY, REALLY wish they'd give you more moves, and many different button combinations for them; I've always thought they were rather lacking in the moves department, especially coming from the company that made Street Fighter.
One button moves are so boring, and to keep tapping the same button over and over again? Ugh; I wanna dance my fingers across that key pad...and actually get rewarded with some nice pyrotechnics.
Other than that, I always thought Chaos Legion was an awesome game, for fancy hack n' slash, key pad finger dancing action...