Bernhardt wrote:Y'know, I listened Takada's Michigan soundtrack (and I think I sold it to you after awhile, Zane), and it was kind of novel at first; you had some classical compositions, ambient horror music, some decent melodies, but it didn't really catch on with me.
Michigan is definitely Takada's "black sheep" soundtrack - I wouldn't use that album as a good parking point for Takada's work. It's much more drawn out and ambient than anything else he's done, including the RE:UC OST, but there are some gems in there. "Chicago Skyline in the Fog" is incredible, along with the reprises of the main theme. And yes, I was on the purchasing end of that transaction... so thanks.
I used to have the album but sold it to a friend and then when I saw your older sale post I wanted to reacquire it.
Bernhardt wrote:So, Zane, I'd have to ask you, which of Takada's work inspire your praise in him/her?
Is it just really No More Heroes, or is there more I ought to check out?
For me, it all started with killer7. I heard the music in-game and fell in love, especially with "Rave On". It was the first Takada album I had heard, so once I ended up digesting that I ended up looking into his other works, which was the first time I bought Michigan. It didn't sit well with me at first because I was looking for something more upbeat, and in time I ended up purchasing the Japanese version of God Hand for PS2 because it came with the GOD TRACKS! album, and then Samurai Champloo OST and now No More Heroes.
If you're looking to get into Takada, I recommend checking out his Big Three: killer7 OST, GOD TRACKS! and No More Heroes. If you dig those, then it's well worth digging deeper into his more varied soundtracks, like RE:UC, all three Silver soundtracks/arrange CDs, Samurai Champloo, etc. As far as I'm concerned, Takada hasn't let me down yet; my initial thoughts toward Michigan weren't so hot because I was expecting something else.
I praise Takada because of his inventiveness, his ability to compose in a lot of different styles, his melodies, and just the overall "holy shit" factor of the albums he puts out. He has yet to let me down.