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Bernhardt Feb 25, 2008 (edited Feb 25, 2008)

Never thought I could fit so many acronyms in one sentence, did you?

Are the original SNES chiptune OSTs of FFIV, V, and VI still better than their successors on the DS, or do the DS tunes trump the ol' SNES tunes?

I miss the old FFIV, V, and VI music, so...yeah.


Chris Feb 25, 2008

Well, only FFIV has been remade for the DS so far, although all games have been remade for the Game Boy Advance. I thought that Square Enix did an overall good job implementing the GBA scores; loss of sound quality was minimised if still inevitable. I actually found the downgraded tFFIV DS score more problematic than its SNES and GBA releases -- the audio was massively undermined by the technical ambitions of the game and just sounds superficial to me. The actual Final Fantasy IV Original Soundtrack, featuring the non-downgraded DS arrangements, wasn't a particularly bothersome release even if I still felt some of the implementation left much to be desired.

absuplendous Feb 25, 2008

As Chris mentioned, the IV, V and VI ports were made for GBA, which has much weaker sound processing power than the SNES did; so, it's no real surprise that the SNES versions sound much better than the GBA versions (though, also like Chris said, they did a good job retaining as much quality as was possible with GBA).

It might not be so cut-and-dry comparing FFIV SNES to FFIV DS, though most opinions I've heard have been unfavorable of the latter. To me, the SNES synth still trumps the DS--even if less crisp and more limited, it just sounds much richer to me.

allyourbaseare Feb 26, 2008

SNES >> DS >> GBA >> Xbox360 (kidding)

I'll always have a soft spot for the SNES sound chip and what it was capable of.  It seemed like there was less technical limitations, so artists could still express what they wanted to, even if it was toned down a bit.  Again, it's all about composers knowing how the technology works, and then using that to their advantage and let's face it, Square kind of ruled the SNES.

Zane Feb 26, 2008

I like the old FFIV OSV better than the DS release. It's also my personal opinion that if Lost Odyssey was done through a SFC soundchip it would have been the best OST released in the past 12 years or so.

Bernhardt Feb 26, 2008 (edited Feb 26, 2008)

Zane wrote:

It's also my personal opinion that if Lost Odyssey was done through a SFC soundchip it would have been the best OST released in the past 12 years or so.


Why, what do you think is wrong with Lost Odyssey?! I just bought that!!

Zane Feb 26, 2008

Bernhardt wrote:

Why, what do you think is wrong with Lost Odyssey?! I just bought that!!

It's decent, but I'm not too crazy about the overall feel of the album. There are some strong compositions hindered by poor percussion and some iffy samples (from what I remember, at least). There's nothing "wrong" with it, I would just rather hear it through a SFC chip.

allyourbaseare Feb 26, 2008

Zane wrote:

I would just rather hear most anything through a SFC chip.

fix'd and second'd.

the_miker Feb 26, 2008

allyourbaseare wrote:
Zane wrote:

I would just rather hear most anything through a SFC chip.

fix'd and second'd.

Word.  SONY SPC700 4 LIFE


McCall Feb 26, 2008 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


XLord007 Feb 26, 2008

the_miker wrote:
allyourbaseare wrote:
Zane wrote:

I would just rather hear most anything through a SFC chip.

fix'd and second'd.

Word.  SONY SPC700 4 LIFE


Much agreed.

Qui-Gon Joe Feb 26, 2008

the_miker wrote:

Word.  SONY SPC700 4 LIFE

As far as I'm concerned, the best thing that Sony ever did for gaming.

Zane Feb 27, 2008

XLord007 wrote:
the_miker wrote:
allyourbaseare wrote:

fix'd and second'd.

Word.  SONY SPC700 4 LIFE


Much agreed.

Yes, yes and yes.

Knurek Feb 29, 2008

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
the_miker wrote:

Word.  SONY SPC700 4 LIFE

As far as I'm concerned, the best thing that Sony ever did for gaming.

It's pretty funny when you consider it's just a simple 8 channel sample player with unfathomable small amounts of sample RAM (less than 64kB, but it could be ADPCM compressed so I guess about 200-300 kB in all).
Yes, it had a DSP but all the later sample playing chips had one as well.

Sony's SPU is the direct descendant of SPC700, sporting 3 times more channels and 8 times more sample RAM (still supporting ADPCM). And most of the sequenced stuff done there sounds piss poor compared to SNES music (notable exceptions include Chrono Cross and Racing Lagoon (and Onimusha on PS2, but that's another story)).

I guess having more restraints imposed by the hardware forced the composers to be more creative with their work, while PSX era hardware allowed for using their whole, unedited MIDI soundfont (either with sequences, or when the RAM wasn't sufficient, with streams/redbook).

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