Dais Mar 13, 2006
If this is old then I will replace this post with a picture of zombies with Servbot heads.
If this is old then I will replace this post with a picture of zombies with Servbot heads.
If this is old then I will replace this post with a picture of zombies with Servbot heads.
The game looks like it has potential (young boy hero-wannabe + dog = winning combination)! Will it come to the US?
I don't have a DS, but I like the music. Mitsuda always hits a winner in my books. Give.
The evil undead Servbots are kept at bay, for Mitsuda-sensei is up to his old magic...
I have shamefully been off the Mitsuda wagon for a while, but these samples sound darn good.
A long-awaited BUMP to a topic such as this...
A fan named godai has begun a line-in recording of the sound test. So far he's captured fourteen tracks of Mitsuda goodness.
Lookie HERE!
http://www.gamingforce.com/forums/audio … n-rip.html
p.s. Devil's Corridor seriously rocks.
Thanks for the heads up. Did anyone here manage to get hold of the bonus pre-order CD? I wonder if it has all of the game's tracks or just a "best of" selection. For reference, this is the CD I'm talking about:
Who is this 'Godai', you speak of?
Cracking soundtrack! Anyone know if the game is any good?
Thanks for the heads up. Did anyone here manage to get hold of the bonus pre-order CD? I wonder if it has all of the game's tracks or just a "best of" selection. For reference, this is the CD I'm talking about:
About that:
1.The Prologue ~ The Guided Man
(The opening theme for DS)
Composed & Arranged by Yasunori Mitsuda
2.Syo and Alf's theme
(The title theme for DS)
Composed & Arranged by Yasunori Mitsuda
3.A Girl of the Crystal
(A event theme for DS)
Composed & Arranged by Yasunori Mitsuda
4.To the Labyrinth
(A dungeon theme for DS)
Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda, Arranged by Takayuki Mitsuhara
5.Lost Legendary Blade
(A event theme for DS)
Composed & Arranged by Yasunori Mitsuda
6.Land of Dream ~ Ending Theme
(The ending theme for DS)
Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda, Arranged by Youichi Hirose
(This following track was included on another version of the promotional disc ------------- 6.Deep Labyrinth ~ Main Theme
(The opening theme for DS)
Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda, Arranged by Takayuki Mitsuhara)
As you can see, the 4th and 6th track is arranged by two rather unknowns. Could these people be the composers of Luminous Arc or the new employees of Procyon Studio?
Thanks for the info. I'm still a bit confused about who will be composing music for Luminous Ark. Since the original mention of a team of four composers (made up of Procyon staff and people hired from the outside) was removed from Mitsuda's diary I kind of assumed it would mainly be he himself who will take on composing and arranging duties for the game. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
And thanks a bunch for the rip, Godai. I think the music sounds nice, if a bit plain.