oddigy Mar 14, 2006 (edited Mar 14, 2006 by Amber)
Kinda late, but nobody's mentioned it yet, so here it is.
Wait for the flash thingy to load, then just sit and listen. This is the kind of Sakuraba music I will never get tired of hearing. I hope VP: Silmeria OST is 4 discs of double-looped goodness. God knows Tri-Ace will compress the crap out of the game data so we'll never see PSF2s without a miracle, hrmph.
Anyway... *hops around excitedly*
You guys will have to forgive me, I've been in complete Tri-Ace fanboy mode lately. My boyfriend's been playing through Star Ocean 3, then tonight he started Star Ocean 2, and my copy of VP:Lenneth came last week with the artbook, then I discovered this:
http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-92- … -19xe.html
*falls over, convulsing*