Daniel K Jun 22, 2008
avatar! wrote:I have a hard time deciding which state is more screwy, MA or CA?
Wait, what?
Yeah avatar!, what?
avatar! wrote:I have a hard time deciding which state is more screwy, MA or CA?
Wait, what?
Yeah avatar!, what?
avatar!, you left out the best part of SH4... having to replay every area in the game a second time..
Ugh I don't even know why I finished that stupid game.
And i don't know why i was dumb enough to buy Twilight Princess a Second time after selling it to gamestop for $15, and then $14 yesterday after realizing i have no desire to play through the whole 40-hour quest..
I swear i am never going near that Zelda game ever again (or Wind Waker either).
avatar!, you left out the best part of SH4... having to replay every area in the game a second time... with each area being not scarier but just more annoying the second time through! Ugh I don't even know why I finished that stupid game.
I dunno, it didn't bother me that bad. Assuming you took out key ghosts (read the ones that appear most frequently) with the silencing daggers the first time around the second time through each area is a cake walk. By the time you hit the apparement/last area there's like 2 ghosts remaining you have to deal with.
There's a new gameplay video by a Russian magazine. Its 13 minutes, check it out:
http://www.gametrailers.com/player/user … t=featured
Damn, I'm so split on this game now. I honestly don't know what to think. Some of it looks very promising and a return to form, other things look pretty bad. From most things I've heard about the game's development up till now and from the last two games in the series, I shouldn't get my hopes up, but there are things in that video that I must admit rekindle my interest to a certain degree.
The graphics, usually a very strong point in SH games, look pretty bad for being PS3. I haven't played many next-gen games so I can't really judge, but honestly, the graphics only look a step or two above SH3's (so far the prettiest game in the series, released on the PS2 five years ago!). Especially the characters' faces look really bad. Hesus Christi, is this Siren 1, or what?! The combat looks pretty boring and clunky despite what the developers have promised, but I for one can live with that.
However, despite all my previous reservations, I got pretty good vibes from the cutscenes in the video. It looks like it could be a return to SH2 form. I'm not getting my hopes up yet, but I'm mildly interested. Also, all the music we've heard so far from Homecoming has been nothing short of spectacular! I really have a good premonition with regards to the music: I think Yamaoka will outdo himself this time. The music heard so far (like the piano piece in the video) remind me a lot of SH2's sombre and sophisticated sound, as opposed to the more beat-heavy trip-hop style of the last three soundtracks (which were great in themselves, but not as atmospheric and horror-oriented as the first two). And if there's something that can be said about a SH game it is that if the music is great, we're already halfway there.
Like I said, I really don't know what to think... I'm carefully optimistic (note: very carefully!).
Hmmm, getting cautiously optimistic again...
Graphics don't look like much, which is a shame.
The music does indeed sound very promising, but that's a given by now.
Gameplay looks clunky and not so interesting, but, um, yeah, that's a given by now
It DOES look promising in terms of atmosphere and story though. Definitely seems like they're going for SH2, and are doing it better than Konami's feeble re-attempts.
Also, when Alex says "I was in the hospital for a bit" around the 7:45 mark, I had this "Oh, I can see where this is going" moment. Jacob's Ladder anyone?
Well, here's something that I know Daniel and I have waited for, at least.
Fungo has ripped a couple audio samples from a recent preview:
The "Short Music preview" is, sadly, just that...an all-too-brief sample of a new Mary Elizabeth song.
"Memory of the Night", on the other hand...BLISS. Beautiful piano over a nice, eerie bed of synth. Just like I like it.
"Memory of the Night", on the other hand...BLISS. Beautiful piano over a nice, eerie bed of synth. Just like I like it.
Couldn't agree more, really beautiful piece, hope there's more like this on the Homecoming OST.
Thanks for posting the link!
*digs up an old topic*
FYI, this game is out in about a month! I'm not overly excited seeing as who's developing it and the fact that I couldn't get into Origins. BUT! New Yamaoka soundtrack = eeeeeppppppiiiiiccccc wwwwwiiiiinnnnnn!
New screens: http://www.the-magicbox.com/0808/game080824b.shtml
Box art: http://www.konami.com/Konami/ctl3810/cp … homecoming
I'm really liking the box art btw. It doesn't scream Silent Hill to me but it's different, and really makes you wonder what the hell this game's going to be about. Mysterious looking father with his demonic looking son. Nice.
*digs up an old topic*
FYI, this game is out in about a month! I'm not overly excited seeing as who's developing it and the fact that I couldn't get into Origins. BUT! New Yamaoka soundtrack = eeeeeppppppiiiiiccccc wwwwwiiiiinnnnnn!
New screens: http://www.the-magicbox.com/0808/game080824b.shtml
Box art: http://www.konami.com/Konami/ctl3810/cp … homecoming
I'm really liking the box art btw. It doesn't scream Silent Hill to me but it's different, and really makes you wonder what the hell this game's going to be about. Mysterious looking father with his demonic looking son. Nice.
I agree with the "different" part of the box art, but can't say I particularly like it. It actually seems somewhat cliche to me, but anyway, I did like the screens. Also, it looks like the big pyramid thing from SH2 is back! I hope it will be a good or even great game, but I'm not holding my breath. I do wonder why are so many people saying they're not excited because of the development team? If it was the guys behind SH4, THEN I certainly would have cause to worry...
New screens: http://www.the-magicbox.com/0808/game080824b.shtml
Ugh, those pictures really worry me. But the game is released on my birthday, how's that for coincidence? That unintended flattery might just be what tips the balance over in favour of me buying this after all.
I recently had some time to myself and sat down and re-played Silent Hill Origins on the PSP. To my great surprise, I actually enjoyed it a lot! The game's flaws were still all-too apparent (too short, way too linear, story and cutscenes a 4-year-old might have authored, and too much emphasis on combat), but still I somehow liked it, for what it was. I think I'm gonna give Homecoming a fair chance, without getting my hopes up in advance.
So, Silent Hill: Homecoming is out today. Just wanted to say that I'm going underground on this and any other threads dealing with the game (except for soundtrack-related business, of course) so as not to spoil the experience beforehand. Probably won't play it until Christmas, might come back and post my opinions then (and yes my friends, I will have opinions on this).
There has a been a lot of directives from Japanese game companies to take existing franchises that had a loyal following and try to modify them to appeal to a broader audience. You can probably blame the Nintendo Wii for that. No matter what the loyal fans say, if the changes do result in the game selling better than when its audience were just the loyal fans, then the loyal fans can kiss their franchises goodbye. Game companies are going where the money is.
There has a been a lot of directives from Japanese game companies to take existing franchises that had a loyal following and try to modify them to appeal to a broader audience. You can probably blame the Nintendo Wii for that.
If that were true wouldn't you think, you know, that Homecoming would have been on the Wii instead?
Alright, so I picked up the game last night. Barring my, like, 4 minutes of time with the first game, and an iffy 45 minutes with Silent Hill 2 (which I'm informed I need to play more), I have no experience with the series.
The game has yet to really scare me. I'm avoiding enemy encounters, because the main guy disdainfully refuses to carry more than two rounds for the pistol, and swings the lead pipe like it's a cow tethered to a chain. On top of this, the enemies are really fast, and my dude runs around with this startling lack of urgency that makes combat very difficult for me. It's my understanding that previous Silent Hill titles did this on purpose, since you're, like, an ordinary dude caught in a nightmare, but the guy here is supposed to be from the military.
I guess he's got that funny rolling move . . . .
It's really not a bad title, but the game doesn't instill in me any primal sense of self-preservation. And the gruesome bits are more intriguing than they are disturbing.
Maybe I'm just weird like that.
Anyone else want to expound?
I've just read some reviews, and so far critics are saying it's not so good. They say it doesn't have the same feeling as the original Silent Hill games... well, exactly how can it? If you try to emulate something that's already been done, you're not going to come up with a brand new idea. However, as long as it's not as bad as SH4 (which received generally favorable reviews... who the hell knows why) then that's fine with me! To be honest, it feels to me like some people are saying "oh, see I know it would suck because it's not from Japan". Well, I plan on giving it a go some time and see how it holds. If it has more action, that's fine too. I honestly don't really expect to be scared of any Silent Hill nor Resident Evil game. Nor survival horror in general. If they really want something scary, it has to be in the plot and atmosphere. Give me a good Lovecraft/Poe inspired game
Give me a good Lovecraft/Poe inspired game
I think the Alone in the Dark series was based on Lovecraft, wasn't it?
And it SUCKS.
avatar! wrote:Give me a good Lovecraft/Poe inspired game
I think the Alone in the Dark series was based on Lovecraft, wasn't it?
And it SUCKS.
You're partially correct, but mostly wrong. The first Alone in the Dark was indeed inspired by Lovecraft, and it was groundbreaking and awesome! In fact, it is still a great game today. As for the other AitD games, I can't comment on them, except I know that the most recent one is more like Resident Evil than anything Lovecraft, and yes apparently it sucks (except for the music). Also, Eternal Darkness is inspired by Lovecraft and that's also an awesome game! We need more games like that...
So I beat Homecoming the other night. It was pretty good during the second half, and it took me a while to get used to everything, but in the end, I thought it was pretty good! Thoughts from you folk?
Is it a good representation of what the rest of the series is ultimately about? I have limited knowledge about everything.
Yahtzee reviews Homecoming:
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/ … Homecoming
Make sure you keep watching after the credits. :)
Yahtzee reviews Homecoming:
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/ … Homecoming
Make sure you keep watching after the credits.
Thanks for the heads-up!
GREAT ranting as can be expected, and that post-credits bit was GOLD!
Yahtzee reviews Homecoming:
LOL! Thanks for sharing the link, Angela. That was some funny stuff, as always from Yahtzee. I agree with him on the state of the series in general, but disagree with him on many of the specifics regarding Homecoming.
Considering how big and well-respected the Silent Hill series was during the first half of the 2000s (not least in this community), I find it ironic that so far, it seems like Idolores is the only one here who's played the newest installment. Has anyone else played it, and if so, what do you think about it? Here are my thoughts on it as a seasoned fan (beware: long-ass post coming up!).
I recently played it on my brother's PS3, and I have to say that I thought - to my own great surprise - that it was actually very good! In fact, I'd go so far as to say that in many significant aspects, I find Homecoming to be the best game in the series since 2001's much-lauded Silent Hill 2. Maybe it was the fact that I went into the experience expecting it to be complete crap, but the game surprised me positively in many of the areas I consider vital for a good SH-game.
Now, don't get me wrong: I do not consider Homecoming a perfect return to form by any measure, it is not the great revival we've all been waiting for (that might never come). In many ways it is lacking, and in some ways, it is very disappointing. Its uneven to say the least, but my overall experience with it was very rewarding still. It also humbled me a bit by its surprising quality. Many times while playing, I really got the feeling that I had up till that point been suffering from a variety of "grumpy old man"-syndrome that made me knee-jerk react into thinking every new SH-game "must" be crap just because the last few installments haven't been too hot. I see this attitude in many other Silent Hill fans as well, a few days ago I was talking to a girl that vehemently assured me she "wouldn't touch Origins or Homecoming with a ten-foot pole" because she "just knew" the series had turned into total crap and was forever dead. All I can say about that after playing Homecoming is too bad, baby, you're missing out on some good stuff. It also made me feel a pang of shame, because before I actually sat down with the game and gave it a decent chance, I had the exact same attitude. Funny really, Silent Hill has always been about how our mental perceptions shape our experiences and physical world...
Anyway, let me tell you about the game if you're curious and haven't played it. The main thing that Homecoming does get right is the story, which is undoubtedly the best in the series since SH2. Especially SH3 and Origins can't hold a candle to it in this category. Thinking about it, there are two things that make Homecoming's story intriguing. The first is that it actively integrates the protagonist's personality and mental life into the storyline. Yes, for the first time since we got to delve deep into the tortured soul of James Sunderland in Silent Hill 2, we have a main character who is emotionally connected to what's actually happening in the game, with all the possibilities that opens up (or at least some of them). The Silent Hill series has always been profiled as intelligent "psychological horror" when compared to... uh... just about every other horror series out there, really. Its what made it special, and what attracted many of the fans in the first place. But for the last three games (SH3, SH4, Origins) this aspect has been missing, which I suspect is one of the reasons why many people have been disappointed in latter installments. SH3 kind of had it, since the protagonist was connected to the plot, but it wasn't in the same, "mental" way. SH4 and Origins totally lacked it: you were just some random dude that happened to stumble upon a mystery and take a trip through hell, a mere spectator, and thus the "personal" dimension was omitted, making for a far more faceless, non-engaging experience. Is it any wonder that those two games are the ones that feel by far the most anonymous in the series...? I rest my case.
While I wouldn't go so far as saying it compares to Silent Hill 2 in this respect, it does go a long way in making Homecoming my favourite in the series in the last seven years. All the things in the game that have to do with Alex's (<- the protagonist) family and the stuff around their house, I really loved. It really felt like a true return to form. Watching their ties and secrets unfurl throughout the story was interesting (although some of it was admittedly predictable). As for the other characters, they're not as interesting, but most of them do feel believable. In one way, turning the development over to an American team actually had its advantages: many of the conversations do feel more natural and "flowing" than in the previous games (witness for example the conversation between Alex and Curtis in the junkyard), and the good voice acting adds to this. The story does have some bland ingredients, but I can't go into that without spoiling a lot. Some of the bland bits, though, are truly freackin' terrible. There are two scenes in particular that I found almost perfect and very engaging up till the last ten seconds or so, when something would happen to just make me slap my forehead and loudly moan whyyyyyyyyyyy?!. Yes, I'm a nerd like that. Ahem...
The other thing that elevates Homecoming's narrative above that of the last few games' is that the story and the endings have a degree of ambiguity to them, reminiscent of elements in SH2 and especially SH1. Especially in this regard, I feel that a lot of Silent Hill "fans" out there that dismiss the story as being disappointing must have really either missed something or not played the game through. Homecoming is one game that does reward a second playthrough, because once you get your head around the main pieces of the puzzle by seeing the story once, a lot of small details that you either missed the first time through or thought were insignificant or irrelevant will stand out in a completely different light. Many documents, notes, or small details made me go a-haaaa! the second time I found them, because it all started to fit so well. Nothing like this was present in SH3's or Origins' stock-dumb stories, and Homecoming is clearly superior to them in this regard. Overall, Homecoming does have a good amount of details that do make it feel more thought-through and developed than the last two games (including some deliciously dark humour in places - be sure to examine the dumpsters in the parking lot after exiting Rose Heights Cemetery).
While I feel the story and the atmosphere in many parts of the game is good, Homecoming is hardly a perfect game. It does have a lot of problems that taint the overall experience. First of all, its not close to being especially "scary" or much unnerving. It isn't even especially dark. The most obvious sign of this is the "dark world"-aspect familiar to any SH-fan. The dark world is almost absent from the game, it does pop up now and then, but its usually very brief. And when it does pop up, its very tame. And I do mean very, if you for example compare it to some of the completely weirded-out shit that could be found in SH1 or SH3. Seriously, they really dropped the ball here, especially considering what they could've done with PS3 graphics (the graphics overall are not that stunning for being next-gen). Most of the time they went for some sort of "industrial", mechanic look that isn't very impressing and is far too bright. There's just too much damn light in the game, I wonder why they even bothered including the flashlight in the first place, since it serves no purpose whatsoever. In this respect, Homecoming feels like the total polar opposite of Origins: Origins got the dark world completely right while totally messing up the city aspect (the city was basically reduced to a few streets meant to connect the different locales), while in Homecoming the dark world is severely lacking and sorely missed, while the mist-filled streets of Shepherd's Glen and Silent Hill are much more thought-through and better executed. This imbalance results in Homecoming being one of those SH-games that focuses more on the melancholic, "misty" aspect (SH2, SH4) instead of the pitch-black, gory, freak-out disturbing aspect (SH3, Origins). SH1 was the only one that got them both right and perfectly balanced (*wistful sigh*). While the lack of any "dark world"-aspect worth the name does considerable damage to the game's atmosphere overall, making it feel a bit tame, it does have some positive aspects, for example not having to play through areas twice. Overall, there's very little back-tracking in Homecoming, it feels like you're rummaging through the town in a more natural, realistic manner than in many of the earlier games. Most of the locales and environments are also pretty interesting, and the hospital exploration is thankfully kept to a minimum. My favourite place is probably the Rose Heights Cemetery, I loved the eerie but strangely appealing moodiness of it.
As advertised, the game is more combat-oriented, explained in the game by the fact that the main character is a soldier returning from the service. There are a lot of monsters and bosses to fight, and the combat system is a lot more developed and fluid than in the earlier games, though it does stop reasonably short of being Resident Evil 4. Poor old I, who sucks as much at 3D action combat as I rule at 2D action combat, had a hard time with the monsters because I really just wanted to get past them and experience the other parts of the game, but I suspect people more experienced with 3D adventure games will find it easier. With many of the creatures, you really have to learn to dodge a lot, or they'll decimate you quickly. The f---ing £€$£@$#%##!!! critters are fast too, much faster than the ones in the earlier games. The combat feels completely different than in the earlier games, in those you could just run up to the poor things and bash them quickly over the head a few times, while that hardly won't work with many of the monsters here. While I didn't feel the new combat system was my cup of tea, I guess more action-oriented players will find it better than that found in the old games. The monster designs are, put mildly, just horrible. The monsters is one aspect that has gotten steadily worse with each new game, and they just plain suck in Homecoming. Unimaginative, boring, too obtrusive, and just plain bland. The game is also very poorly paced in regards to combat/monsters. The first third of the game is actually very calm with more exploration, while the latter parts crank up the fighting considerably. There's one segment around the middle especially (the police station and the sewers bit) were I just had to remind myself that I was in Silent Hill and not Raccoon City.
So, did I like it or not...? You decide after reading all of that. As is apparent, its a very uneven game, with many good and many bad aspects. All I can say is that I thought that the experience, taken as a whole, was a good one, better than I had expected it would be. I'll underline it once again: its by no means a perfect game like the first two were. A lot in the presentation and execution is sloppy and lacking, some of it is disjointed. There's a certain pervasive "tameness" throughout that does hurt it and prevents it from reaching the heights of the old games. But overall, I found that it's positive aspects clearly mastered the negative aspects. If you're a Silent Hill-fan and have one of those new-fangled consoles, you might want to give this a try. Just be advised to try to keep an open mind and give it a chance to prove itself.