Dragon Quest is Enix property, Grandia is GameArts property, Star Ocean is Tri-Ace property, Radiata Stories is Tri-Ace property, Valkyrie Profile is Tri-Ace property? Enix made GameArts and Tri-Ace their property, and with the S-E merger, Enix property became Square property.
I don't understand what everyone else is complaining about; good stuff is still coming out of the Enix half of the corporation; it's just that the Square half is beating the FF franchise to death, but hey, some people are just still learning about FF; Square is introducing it to a whole new generation.
I'm enjoying all great get-out of Dawn of Mana, even if it plays more so like a mix of a Kingdom Hearts/Devil May Cry game; Dirge of Cerberus is the first third-person shooter I've actually been able to play, since it actually has decent controls; I don't care too much about FFXII, but I suppose I'll get around to it.
I'm sure I'll enjoy FFXIII; I've enjoyed all previous games in the franchise, no matter what departures they've made from the previous installments.
I could other spend most of my time in this cyber wasteland we call the internet, bellowing away about how things suck, or I could actually go do something productive, stress-relieving, or both...like actually playing video-games. Now, which one of those two sounds more enjoyable to you?
P.S. I'm going to hold out hope for Front Mission V and Code Age Commanders forever.