Sundancer Mar 20, 2006
The one with the female singer?
The one with the female singer?
The music is by Akira Yamaoka and the vocalist is Mary Elizabeth McGlynn... it's not a "band", per se, just someone singing over Yamaoka's songs.
There's a live track on one of them. What's that from then?
I think it's faux live... as in, the crowd sounds and reverb was added after the song was recorded to give it a more "live" feel. There is no "Heaven's Night"; that's a fictional place in the Silent Hill world.
I don't know the details, but I was told that live song was done by some Swedish Band as an hommage to Akira Yamaoka/Silent Hill.
It's definitely NOT faux live.
I don't know the details, but I was told that live song was done by some Swedish Band as an hommage to Akira Yamaoka/Silent Hill.
It's definitely NOT faux live.
You're probably mixing Rain of Brass Petals - Three Voices Edit (Bonus Track) [SH3] and Waiting For You ~LIVE AT "Heaven's Night"~ (unreleased tunes) [SH4].
Rain of Brass Petals was remixed by Interlace, which is Swedish electro band, and actually Yamaoka has remixed one of their track in their album "Under The Sky". Review of that album.
And Waiting For You is faux live, just check the info where it's played.
It's definitely NOT faux live.
It most definitely is.
Amazingu wrote:It's definitely NOT faux live.
It most definitely is.
Are you basing that on the location of "Heaven's Night?"
That could be just part of the gimmick, yet for all I know that could be a live performance with Konami's friends/family.
A fake location name doesn't necessarily mean a fake performance.
Anyways, I thought Heaven's Night was a strip club, not a place bands played.
Alright man, you don't have to listen to me or Raz. Believe whatever you want. The song's great regardless, and for all it matters Akira Yamaoka could have performed that by himself with his pants around his ankles while he was on the shitter.
Are you basing that on the location of "Heaven's Night?"
That could be just part of the gimmick, yet for all I know that could be a live performance with Konami's friends/family.
A fake location name doesn't necessarily mean a fake performance.
Anyways, I thought Heaven's Night was a strip club, not a place bands played.
Why they would fake the location name? If it would been real performance, don't you think that there would been some news about it?
The song's great regardless, and for all it matters Akira Yamaoka could have performed that by himself with his pants around his ankles while he was on the shitter.
Knowing how good Yamaoka is, he probably performed it when he was in the shitter. :P
You can hear the same whistle three times at the end of the song. It's definitely not live.
Alright man, you don't have to listen to me or Raz. Believe whatever you want. The song's great regardless, and for all it matters Akira Yamaoka could have performed that by himself with his pants around his ankles while he was on the shitter.
Dude, relax, I was just finding out the reasons for your answers.
Why fake a location name? I don't know. Why fake a live performance?
Anyways, you're right that it's great regardless. Now if he would only play Letter from SH3 while on the shitter...
(wait..what I'd just say??))