Bernhardt Jul 24, 2008 (edited Jul 24, 2008)
Anyone know where I can get a complete tracklisting for the Shining Force EXA Music Collection (WM-0558~8)?
Chudah's is reconstructing their soundtracks database: http://chudahs-corner.com/404.php
VGMdb is down: http://vgmdb.net/audio/vgmdb-main.php
Cocoebiz, where I bough it, doesn't have a tracklisting: http://www.vgmworld.com/catalog/index.p … m_num=1170
Game Music Revolution doesn't have a tracklisting: http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNumber=WM-0557~8
and neither does Soundtrack Central.
Did I just pick up one of the most obscure of obscure soundtracks?!
All of these game music databases are either down, or just don't have the information I need!
By all means, e-mail me and tell me if and where you found a proper tracklist for it if you find one.